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Dabney Coleman, 9 to 5 and On Golden Pond Actor, Dies at 92

Dabney Coleman, 9 to 5 and On Golden Pond Actor, Dies at 92
Dabney Coleman, 9 to 5 and On Golden Pond Actor, Dies at 92



Dabney Coleman, a veteran film and television actor known for his roles in 9 to 5, Boardwalk Empire and Tootsie, has died. He was 92 years old.

Coleman died Thursday at his home in Santa Monica, according to a statement from his daughter Quincy Coleman sent to CNN by the actors' late manager Jeff Goldberg.

My father built his time here on Earth with a curious mind, a generous heart, and a soul aflame with passion, desire, and humor that tickled the funny bone of humanity. Throughout his life, he navigated this final act of his life with elegance, excellence and mastery, Quincy Colemans statement read. Teacher, hero and king, Dabney Coleman is a gift and blessing in life and in death as his spirit will shine eternally through his work, his loved ones and his legacy.

Originally from Austin, Texas, Coleman studied law and served in the U.S. Army before pursuing an acting career, according to a Biography. His Hollywood career spans decades, beginning in the early 1960s until his last credit in 2019, when he appeared in an episode of Yellowstone.

(L to R) Dolly Parton, Marian Mercer and Dabney Coleman in “9 to 5” in 1980.

A gifted comedic actor who moved between film and television, Coleman was often portrayed as a villain or, at best, a lovable jerk. This included roles in the Academy Award-winning film On Golden Pond, the sci-fi drama feature WarGames and perhaps most famously as the decidedly pre-#MeToo and very lecherous boss in the film 9 to 5, in which he starred alongside Dolly Parton. , Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin.

Coleman worked extensively in television in the 1960s and 1970s, often in guest roles before landing the soap opera spoof Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman. He appeared in a recurring role on the sitcom That Girl in the mid-1960s, but another decade passed before landing the role of Merle Jeter on Hartman in 1976, which Coleman, in a 2012 interview, would call turning point in my career. .

That's kind of where it all started, in terms of people's belief that I could do comedy, especially this kind of negative, caustic, cynical guy, he said the AV Club, in a nod to some of his notable roles like in 9 to 5.

Coleman really broke out, however, in the 1980s, including playing supporting roles in the Oscar-winning comedy Tootsie alongside Dustin Hoffman, The Muppets Take Manhattan, and starring in two critically acclaimed although relatively short-lived television series , Buffalo Bill and The Slapping Maxwell's story.

Coleman received Emmy nominations for both of these series, but won his only Emmy out of six total nominations for Sworn to Silence, a 1987 television drama film. Coleman also won a Golden Globe in 1988 for his performance in Slap Maxwell.

His other roles include playing Mr. Drysdale in the film version of The Beverly Hillbillies and the ruthless Commodore in the HBO drama Boardwalk Empire, as well as his more recent turn in the hit drama Yellowstone.

On Friday, Goldberg added that it has been a great privilege to have represented Dabney and to be able to call him my friend. We will miss him very much.

Coleman is survived by his children Meghan, Kelly, Randy and Quincy, as well as his grandchildren Hale and Gabe Torrance, Luie Freundl and Kai and Coleman Biancaniello, according to his manager.

The great Dabney Coleman literally created, or defined, really – in a unique and singular way an archetype as a character actor, actor Ben Stiller. wrote on X Friday. He was so good at what he did that it was hard to imagine the movies and television of the last 40 years without him.

This story has been updated with additional information.




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