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Bollywood Newswrap, May 18: Chandu Champion OUT trailer, Naseeruddin Shah and Smita Patil receive standing ovation at Cannes 2024, celebrities attend Ritesh Sidhwani's mother's last rites

Bollywood Newswrap, May 18: Chandu Champion OUT trailer, Naseeruddin Shah and Smita Patil receive standing ovation at Cannes 2024, celebrities attend Ritesh Sidhwani's mother's last rites
Bollywood Newswrap, May 18: Chandu Champion OUT trailer, Naseeruddin Shah and Smita Patil receive standing ovation at Cannes 2024, celebrities attend Ritesh Sidhwani's mother's last rites


Trigger warning: This article contains mention of death.

Like most days, May 18 was an eventful day for showbiz. Naseeruddin Shah and Smita Patil made India proud by receiving a standing ovation at Cannes 2024.

However, several B-town celebrities were also seen mourning the demise of filmmaker Ritesh Sidhwani's mother. Take a look at all the latest news from the Hindi film industry.

Here are the top 5 Bollywood news for May 18, 2024

1. Chandu Champions trailer released

After waiting with bated breath, Kartik Aaryan finally impressed his fans with the trailer of his upcoming sports film Chandu Champion. The preview of the film took the audience on a spectacular cinematic adventure, making them eager to see the film in theaters on June 14, 2024.

In his Instagram post, the actor said, “With immense pride and joy, sharing the trailer of the most challenging and special film of my career, that too from my hometown Gwalior where I dreamed of becoming actor #Chandu Champion, the story of a man who refused. surrender. I hope it will touch your heart, entertain you and inspire you to achieve your goals just like the pride of India Mr. Murlikant Petkar.


2. Naseeruddin Shah and Smita Patil receive a standing ovation at Cannes 2024

As Aishwarya Rai Bachchan took over the red carpet of the ongoing 77th birthdayth Cannes Film Festival, Shyam Benegal's classic film Manthan (1976), starring Naseeruddin Shah, late Smita Patil and late Girish Karnad, received a standing ovation at the film festival. India's first crowdfunded film premiered as part of the Cannes Classic selection at the global event.

3. B-town celebrities attend Ritesh Sidhwani's mother's last rites

Sadly, on May 17, filmmaker Ritesh Sidhwani's mother passed away. To be by his side during these difficult times, Ritesh's friends from B-town attended the last rites which took place today, May 18. Among the many celebrities who came to say goodbye to Sidhwani's mother were Saif Ali Khan, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Farhan Akhtar, Siddhant Chaturvedi, Zoya Akhtar, Abhishek Bachchan, Neha Dhupia, Angad Bedi, Pulkit Samrat, Kriti Kharbanda, Shankar Mahadevan and Ehsaan Noorani.

4. Shah Rukh Khan urges fans to exercise their right to vote

With voting for phase 5 of the Maharashtra Lok Sabha election set to take place on May 20, Shah Rukh Khan shared a post on his official Instagram account and urged people to vote.

He wrote in his message: “As responsible citizens of India, we must exercise our right to vote this Monday in Maharashtra. Let us fulfill our duty as Indians and vote with the best interests of our country in mind. Go ahead, promote our right to vote.

5. Akshay Kumar and Arshad Warsi complete Rajasthan schedule for Jolly LLB 3

Akshay Kumar, Arshad Warsi and Huma Qureshi will be seen together in their upcoming feature film, Jolly LLB 3. The celebrities are currently busy shooting for the upcoming film. Some time ago, Akshay Kumar took to Instagram and posted a video from the sets of Jolly LLB 3 with his co-star.

Through the video, he informed his fans that the team has finally wrapped up the film's schedule in Rajasthan. Akshay captioned the clip: And that's the end of the show! As you can see, both Jollys had a great time in Rajasthan.

Stay tuned to Pinkvilla for all the latest Bollywood news!

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