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You want to do quality work, says actor Shilpa Shinde | Bollywood

You want to do quality work, says actor Shilpa Shinde |  Bollywood
You want to do quality work, says actor Shilpa Shinde |  Bollywood


Mumbai, Doing quality work is of utmost importance for actor Shilpa Shinde, who believes that it is the only way to get recognition and respect from the audience.

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In his career spanning over two decades, Shinde has starred in over 20 projects including TV shows, films and an OTT series. After more than a decade in showbiz, she rose to fame as Angoori Bhabhi in the 2015 comedy television series “Bhabiji Ghar Par Hain!”.

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Becoming the winner of the reality show 'Bigg Boss 11', hosted by Salman Khan, only added to her popularity.

For me, quality matters, like Bhabiji Ghar Par Hain!, Bigg Boss were quality shows, and you benefit from them forever. There are people who do 10 shows but they don't get that recognition or respect.

“I believe I should do less but work better. Rather than doing more work or being seen everywhere, one should maintain quality work,” Shinde told PTI in an interview here.

Long working hours and less pay prevented her from doing daily soaps, she added.

Nowadays it's difficult to do daily serials because they don't have a budget, but they want artists to be available 24/7. It is not possible to work beyond 12 hours for several reasons.

“So how can you manage that budget? They have a lot of money to spend on creating the sets and everything they want to do, they just don't have any money to give to the artists,” said the 46-year-old actor.

Next up for Shinde is the 14th season of reality TV series Khatron Ke Khiladi. This is her third reality series after Bigg Boss 11 and dance competition Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 10.

The actor said it was a coincidence that she was doing back-to-back non-fiction shows.

Initially, I was not ready for Bigg Boss, but I won the show. Five years later, I did Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa, there was excitement about doing this show. I'm not a good dancer and I was told, “The show is about a non-dancer's journey of becoming a dancer.” So, I thought: Let's do this.

“I was not well during the show. It was hectic. Dancing is difficult and there were good dancers like Gashmeer, Amruta in the show and dancing in front of them was a big task. Khatron Ke Khiladi is a different show , it's a great show. These three are great shows and I've always said: I want to do quality work, she added.

According to Shinde, the makers of Khatron Ke Khiladi had approached her in the past.

Everything has a good time. I wasn't mentally prepared for this. You should do what you want. Even if I said no, they still asked me, she said.

The actor described the long-running reality show Colors, currently hosted by director Rohit Shetty, as a paid leave to perform adventure stunts.

I wanted to do the stunts like they do in the show. You can't do these kinds of tasks in real life even if you pay money. So it's something different. Doing all these stunts will be fun.

Celebrities participating in the upcoming season of 'Khatron Ke Khiladi' also include Sumona Chakravarti, Asim Riaz, Krishna Shroff, Shalin Bhanot, Abhishek Kumar, Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia, Karan Veer Mehra and Aditi Sharma.

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