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Demi Moore on Nudity and Violence in Cannes Shocker 'The Substance'

Demi Moore on Nudity and Violence in Cannes Shocker 'The Substance'
Demi Moore on Nudity and Violence in Cannes Shocker 'The Substance'


Demi Moore said she was starring in Coralie Fargeat's body horror film The substance required accepting a “level of vulnerability and rawness” in relation to one's own body on screen.

Moore pulled out all the stops for the film, a bloody, campy satire on beauty standards, toxic masculinity and female self-loathing, with the film's frequent and prominent nudity, as well as its gruesome violence, attracting many fans. be careful after his world. premiere in Cannes. Moore plays Elisabeth Sparkle, an acclaimed actress turned famous daytime exercise program host who is replaced by a younger, more beautiful star (Margaret Qualley), sparking a confrontation between the two women. One of the most graphic scenes in the film shows Moore and Qualley fighting naked and bloody. The Cannes audience loved it and gave the film an enthusiastic welcome on Sunday evening.

“I had someone who was a great partner,” Moore said of Qualley. “We were obviously quite close at times…and naked. But there was also a lightness [in shooting those scenes].”

Speaking at the press conference of The substanceMoore said the film “pushed me out of the comfort zone”, but that she made it clear that the explicit images “were necessary to tell this story” and that Fargeat approached the scenes “with a lot of sensitivity », establishing a “common feeling”. ground of mutual trust.

While many made comparisons between the film's storyline and Moore's own experience as an older actress in a youth-obsessed Hollywood, the Ghost And GI Jeanne the star said she never saw herself “as the victim” and that The substance Rather, it is about confusing “the male perspective of the ideal woman.”

Fargeat noted that the violence in the film was a metaphor for the violence, emotional and physical, that men inflict on women, and that women inflict on themselves, in their pursuit of unrealistic beauty ideals.

“I don't know any woman who doesn't suffer from eating disorders or other things that do violence to her body,” Fargeat said, saying she chose to show violence on screen “in a way extreme because I I think this violence is very extreme.

The male characters of The substance don't go well, with each presented as a different variation of toxic masculinity. But the filmmakers said they were not seeking to condemn any genre as a whole. “We're not anti-men, we're anti-idiots,” Moore said.

“The people say [Fargeat] hates men,” added Dennis Quaid, who plays Harvey, a sleazy TV producer in the film. “No, she hates assholes. But assholes are so much fun to play.

Quaid also praised Moore, calling her performance “the start of an incredible third act” in her career. He also dedicated his role to the late Ray Liotta, the actor who was originally set to play Harvey. “It was this week, two years ago, that he passed away,” Quaid said. “He was such an incredible actor. I dedicate it [this role] to him.”

The substance was produced by Working Title and was originally intended to be distributed by Universal. Instead, it will receive a US release through Mubi, marking the biggest theatrical release ever for the arthouse streamer.




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