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Ali MacGraw on Life After Hollywood and Being a Movie Star

Ali MacGraw on Life After Hollywood and Being a Movie Star


The unstoppable is a series about people whose ambition has not been dimmed by time. Below, Ali MacGraw explains, in her own words, what continues to motivate her.

You know, I'm a strange old bird at this point. I live north of Santa Fe, kind of surrounded by nature, and I'm very involved in the community. I am lucky to be in good health. and I know so many people who don't have that choice. I have a life that makes me happy.

Looking back, it seems so strange that overnight, at age 30, I became a movie star. I am relieved to have made it out of this often exciting, often terrifying decade alive. I had been working since I was 14, but I didn't go to school to become an actress. I was cast in Goodbye, Columbus, and then everything exploded with the amazing surprise of Love Story, this project that cost nothing and that no one expected to be a success.

Suddenly, I was transported to a place I had never imagined. Before cinema, I was a photographer's assistant. I had a job as Diana Vreeland's assistant, as the girl who took care of the trivial things. I was surrounded by people, like her, who have never been matched in their vision and passion for history and amazing images.

I also had amazing parents who worked hard all their lives, but gave us a home filled with incredible books and art and left us with inspiring values. So when this weird moment of fame suddenly happened, I did my best.

I've failed and failed and received my share of justifiably horrible reviews on remarkable vehicles. And believe me, I didn't feel like I was being misjudged. Unlike many people, I haven't swallowed the Kool-Aid. I'm reasonably intelligent. I behaved well. But I would have preferred to be good at what I was applauded for.

I'm grateful to have had all of this, but I live a very different life now. I don't care at all about being seen in the latest outfit or knowing the latest song. I don't feel diminished by not knowing these things. I did everything and got examined, and that was for another time.

Current and upcoming projects: Starring alongside Penlope Cruz and Margot Robbie in a Chanel J12 watch campaign; is an ambassador for various animal protection and educational rights groups in New Mexico, where she lives.

This interview has been condensed and edited for clarity.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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