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How a Huge Hollywood Talent Went Local to a New Jersey Coffee Shop

How a Huge Hollywood Talent Went Local to a New Jersey Coffee Shop


It's always cool and a little surreal to come across a famous person when you least expect it. When I lived in Los Angeles, I saw Whoopi Goldberg walking past me and Laurie Metcalf waiting for someone outside a movie theater in Glendale, just to name a few.

It's a cool pop-up surprise. But isn't it really cooler when a famous person starts coming to your store so often that they become a regular? That's exactly what briefly happened at a small Cape May cafe in recent months.

At this point, I'm sure the staff at Coffee Tyme are calling him by his first name and just shouting, “Hello, Ed!” »

No, it's not Ed Harris. It's not Ed Begley Jr.'s place either. No, Ed Sheeran doesn't stop by for coffee often either.

The talented Edward Norton is one who has become a regular there. From “Fight Club” to “The Grand Budapest Hotel” to “American History X,” there's no role this star can't play. He played the role of the mild-mannered and unassuming intellectual, or the dark and sinister side.

9th Annual Breakthrough Awards Ceremony – Arrivals

Getty Images

Here's how he became a Coffee Tyme regular.

A biopic titled “A Complete Unknown” starring Timothée Chalamet as Bob Dylan has been filming in various parts of New Jersey since March. Well, Edward Norton was cast as folk singer Pete Seegar.

Much of the film centers on the 1965 Newport Folk Festival, where Dylan shocked his fans by playing an electric guitar in public for the first time on his song “Like A Rolling Stone.” This was considered sacrilege to many in the folk community of the time.

So after spending many days filming in Cape May and trying to meet the demands of long hours, he was soon making near-daily visits to Coffee Tyme. The staff got to know him. Fans were surprised to find him there. He often took time to talk and pose for photos.

@CoffeeTyme via Instagram

@CoffeeTyme via Instagram

His move to command according to staff? Three shots of espresso. Hey, if you have a regular, you learn how to order pretty quickly.

@CoffeeTyme via Instagram

@CoffeeTyme via Instagram

There are actually two Coffee Tymes in Cape May. He was at 414 Washington. But don't expect to spot him there now. Looks like the filming schedule for the Cape May portion was supposed to end on May 16th. There is no release date set for “A Complete Unknown” yet, but it is certain to be in early 2025.

WATCH: Can you guess the world-famous actor from a childhood photo?

Stacker used Getty Images to compile photos of beloved actors from their childhood. How many can you guess from their childhood photo alone?

Gallery credit: Stacker

QUIZ: Can you identify the iconic 80s film from a single freeze frame?

Embark on a journey through '80s nostalgia with kids (and aliens) on bikes and teenagers avoiding principles (and responsibilities). We've put a proverbial pause on some of the decade's most iconic films, and now it's your mission to name them all.

Gallery credit: Stephen Lenz

The opinions expressed in the above post are solely those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski.

You can now listen Deminski and Doyle — On demand! Listen to New Jersey's favorite afternoon radio show, any day of the week. Download the Deminski & Doyle show wherever you get podcasts, on our free app, or listen now.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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