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Zaigham Imam |The director of Narmada's story Zaigham Imam on cinema and realistic crime films: Bollywood has made it very big | EXCLUSIVE

Zaigham Imam |The director of Narmada's story Zaigham Imam on cinema and realistic crime films: Bollywood has made it very big |  EXCLUSIVE


Narmada Story Director Zaigham Imam on Cinema and Realistic Crime Films: Bollywood Has Made It Very Big |  EXCLUSIVE

Narmada Story Director Zaigham Imam on Cinema and Realistic Crime Films: Bollywood Has Made It Very Big | EXCLUSIVE

Writer, director and producer Imam Zaigham is known for films like Nakkash, Dozakh looking for paradise, Alif and now his next film, Narmada's story. Narmada's story stars Simala Prasad, Raghubir Yadav, Mukesh Tiwari and Anjali Patil in important roles and will talk about real events. The film shot in Madhya Pradesh will not be like “ordinary Bollywood crime films that feature larger-than-life personalities”. Zaigham recently took his time and engaged in an exclusive Zoom chat and explained how Narmada's story is different from his previous films and the way Bollywood portrays crime films.

Zaigham Imam on realistic crime films

In an exclusive interview with Zoom, Zaigham Imam spoke about how Bollywood was coming up with crime films where “people are chasing 50 cars” and how Malayalam films were making “realistic” films. He said, “In Malayalam films, there are no guns, there are no unnecessary gunshots, nothing like that happens. But there is an investigation. The realism of policing is there. Bollywood has made things very big. So even the cops see these movies and say, this doesn't happen. ”

Sharing an example, he explained, “We see that in big cities like Mumbai, they show… how many times have you seen someone running and chasing 50 cars? Where does this happen? This n “comes nowhere. But realistic films are successful because they are chilling and realistic. But even in Bollywood, such realistic films are being made these days.”

Zaigham Imam on propaganda in films

Zaigham also opened up to talk about propaganda films that only talk about positive things. He said, “I would like to say that in a real film you will see good and bad things. Because in every person, in every department and in every department in India, there are good and bad things, so you can” I’m not focusing on anything good. It's propaganda if you just say good things. How can anything be only good things?

Zaigham Imam on the heart of Narmada's story

Zaigham, who received plaudits for his previous films like Nakkash, Dozakh And Alif is now ready for his next crime film, The story of Narmada. He explained how Simala Prasad's film is different from his previous works and said, “The films I have done so far had an artistic touch. It was a film full of messages, it had an artistic touch. The message is also present in my new films, but they are more than commercial, they are more than simple to tell.”

He continued: “The films I made before were shown at the Film Festival and did a lot of good things and gave me a lot of awards. But the standards of cinema, which were called commercial-type cinema, or cinema that connects people was less present in the films I made earlier But now in my films there are songs Now in my films there is commercialized background music. are things that I learned during my journey as a filmmaker and I went ahead and applied it. I tried to apply these standards in my film, The Narmada Story. a message. The message is still there, but so will the entertainment and other necessary things.

His novel Dozakhis included as a reference document in many universities and its film adaptation, directed by Zaigham, has also received praise from Amitabh Bachchan.




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