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Alphabet and Meta Engage Hollywood Studios in Major AI Video Licensing Deals

Alphabet and Meta Engage Hollywood Studios in Major AI Video Licensing Deals


Alphabet and Meta Engage Hollywood Studios in Major AI Video Licensing Deals

Alphabet and Meta Engage Hollywood Studios in Major AI Video Licensing Deals

Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) (NASDAQ: GOOGL) and Meta Platforms Inc. (NASDAQ: META) have discussed content licensing with major Hollywood studios for their AI video generation software.

These companies are developing technology to create realistic scenes from text prompts and have offered substantial sums to partner with studios.

Peer Microsoft Corp. (NASDAQ: MSFT), MSFT-backed OpenAI engaged in similar talks, Bloomberg reports.

Hollywood studios want to use AI to reduce costs while ensuring their work is not misused. They are cautious about licensing content without controlling its use.

Recently, Scarlett Johansson demanded that OpenAI shut down using a voice resembling his own for his chatbot.

Wednesday, News Corp. (NASDAQ: NWS) (NASDAQ: NWSA) has agreed to let OpenAI use content from its publications in a deal potentially worth more than $250 million over five years. Warner Bros. (NASDAQ: WBD) is open to licensing specific programs, but not its entire library.

Walt Disney Company (NYSE: DIS) and Netflix Inc. (NASDAQ: NFLX) are interested in other collaborations but without license for their content.

New AI tools, like OpenAI Sora and Alphabets Veo, promise to help filmmakers create vivid clips from text descriptions, sparking excitement and anxiety in the industry.

Previously, major US technology companies and news publishers were at loggerheads on the influence of AI, particularly with regard to the unauthorized use of its content for AI training.

Google's AI search has sparked concerns among publishers that they are losing a substantial portion of their Google-generated traffic.

Reports indicated Microsoft, Meta and Alphabet committed more than $32 billion in AI infrastructures in the first quarter of 2024.

Price Actions: At last check Friday, GOOGL shares were up 0.52% at $174.45 pre-market. META was up 0.41% at $467.70.

Photo by De Andre Bush via Unsplash

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