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Alec Baldwin's judge denies actor's motion to dismiss manslaughter charge

Alec Baldwin's judge denies actor's motion to dismiss manslaughter charge


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The judge in Alec Baldwin's “Rust” manslaughter case ruled Friday to deny his motion to dismiss the indictment.

The judge rejected Baldwin's two dismissal arguments regarding the grand jury proceedings, finding there was no bias against him, court documents obtained by Fox News Digital showed.

The defense had argued that prosecutors flouted the rules of grand jury procedure to distract from defense evidence and witnesses, which prosecutors denied, calling it “brazen” and pointing to conflicting statements that he had done.

“We look forward to our day in court,” Baldwin’s attorneys, Alex Spiro and Luke Nikas, said in a statement to Fox News Digital on Friday.


Halyna Hutchins Rust

Cinematographer Halyna Hutchins died after being accidentally shot on the set of 'Rust' in 2021. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong | Photo by Fred Hayes/Getty Images for SAGindie)

Baldwin was charged for two counts of involuntary manslaughter, negligent use of a firearm or, in the alternative, reckless manslaughter on January 19. Cinematographer Halyna Hutchins died on October 21, 2021 after a gun Baldwin was holding was discharged on the Western film. together.

The actor did not attend the May 17 hearing after waiving all of his pretrial appearances.

His legal team appeared virtually, where they claimed the prosecution did not follow the rules during the grand jury proceedings. Alex Spiro, the lead attorney on Baldwin's team, specifically focused on accusations that the prosecution failed to alert witnesses before the grand jury.

“The way it's supposed to work is the grand jury shows up in a week, there are all these witnesses that could come, you hit them with a subpoena, they come to the grand jury, or you have on hold, and you talk to them,” Spiro said during the May 17 hearing. “That’s not how you’re supposed to do things, period.”

The witnesses “never” saw “an alert letter”, according to the lawyer.

Alec Baldwin on the set of

Alec Baldwin filed three separate motions to dismiss the “Rust” case. (Santa Fe County Sheriff's Department)


Special prosecutor Kari Morrissey criticized Spiro's argument as a “complete misrepresentation” of what actually happened.

“Mr. Spiro wants to tell this court this morning that I'm just making this up as I go along,” Morrissey said, referring to the state's witnesses. “That I had no intention of introducing anyone via video.”

She also added, “I'm not going to sit here and be called a liar.”

Alec Baldwin sits in Rust Church

Alec Baldwin is shown sitting in church on the set of Bonanza Creek. (Courtesy: New Mexico Court)


The '30 Rock' star's legal team argued the prosecution acted unethically and failed to present crucial evidence to the grand jury in its initial motion to dismiss indictment, obtained by Fox News Digital.

“Enough is enough,” court documents state. “This is an abuse of the system and an abuse of an innocent person whose rights have been violated to the extreme.”

Alec Baldwin on the set of Rust

Alec Baldwin and others finished filming “Rust” in May 2023. (Reuters)

Since then, Baldwin has filed two other motions to dismiss. One will be dismissed for destruction of evidence regarding the firearm and the other will be dismissed for failure to allege foul play.


The state filed its responses to both motions on May 21, but no court hearing has been scheduled at this time.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.




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