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Police suspect party before attack, notice to actor Chikkanna

Police suspect party before attack, notice to actor Chikkanna


Police on Monday intensified investigation into Renukaswamy's murder and booked another Kannada actor, Chikkanna, who is said to be close to actor Darshan.

Last week, police arrested Darshan, his friend Pavithra Gowda and 11 others in connection with the case.

Police claimed that some of the suspects, along with Darshan, had gathered at Stonny Brook restobar in RR Nagar on June 8 and partied before leaving for the shed where Renukaswamy was being held captive. Chikkanna was present at the party.

Around 4 p.m., investigators took Darshan and some arrested suspects, including Vinay V, who allegedly owns the restobar, to Stonny Brook for a mahazar spot. Chikkanna was also present during the investigation. Vinay is the nephew of Pattanagere Jayanna, who owns the land where the shed where Renukaswamy was detained and tortured is located.

Police are investigating whether the plot to murder Renukaswamy, 33, of Chitradurga, was hatched during the rally. Reports suggest that Chikkanna might become a witness in the case.

A common friend of Darshan and Chikkanna told DH that the two actors have been close friends for quite some time. “But the two had a fallout before Covid and I brought them together and fixed them. They have been together and good friends ever since. Chikkanna knows how to handle tough situations, especially when cornered,” the source said .

He also said the two party together on the weekends. “But he (Chikkanna) is not someone who will put his career and life at risk to save someone else,” the source added.

Find a mobile phone

A team of investigators also searched a storm drain in Sumanahalli in search of the missing mobile phone belonging to Renukaswamy, whose body was dumped at the spot in the wee hours of June 9. The search was called off in the evening after the cell phone was not found. .

Police sources claimed that the suspects filmed Renukaswamy apologizing on this phone.

An officer said the victim's phone would serve as a key evidence as the motive for the murder so far was Renukaswamy's objectionable messages and comments sent to Pavithra on Instagram.

“The latest location is pinged on the spot. Therefore, we suspect that the mobile device was dumped with the body,” he said.

Plainclothes police officers investigate

From Sunday evening to Monday morning, plainclothes officials were searching for evidence in Chitradurga.

According to officials, an investigation was conducted till Sunday evening at the residence of some of the suspects, including Raghavendra, who transported the victim to Bengaluru.

Another official said the silver chain, ring and arm ring found in Raghavendra's house were identified as those of Renukaswamy, which police claimed the suspects removed from the victim's body. Investigators also spoke to the victim's relatives and friends and visited the local pharmacy in Chitradurga where he worked.

Total arrests 17

S Girish, deputy commissioner of police (West), who is supervising the investigation, announced the arrest of Raju alias Dhanraj on Monday morning. Raju was named as accused number nine in the first remand application submitted by the police to the magistrate. The total number of arrests thus amounts to 17.

Police suspect that Raju had brought the device used to administer electric shocks to Renukaswamy before he succumbed.

Besides Darshan and Pavithra, the others arrested are Vinay V, Nagaraju R, Laxman M, Pradosh S, Pawan K, Deepak Kumar M, Nandish, Nikhil Nayak, Raghavendra, Karthik, Keshava Murthy, Ravi, Jagadish alias Jagga and Anu Kumar.

“I was called in for dinner that night.”

Responding to the police notice, actor Chikkanna told the media, “I was called for dinner that evening. That's why I went there. The police had called me for questioning about it. As the investigation is ongoing, I cannot comment further.

Published June 17, 2024, 6:08 p.m. EAST




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