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Dave Min falls to new low with Hanoi Jane Hollywood fundraiser – Orange County Register

Dave Min falls to new low with Hanoi Jane Hollywood fundraiser – Orange County Register


Dave Min continues to embarrass Orange County voters with his shameful behavior. Over the weekend, Dave Min hit a new low and hosted a fundraiser with “Hanoi Jane” Fonda in Hollywood.

Min made her priorities clear by warmly embracing Jane Fonda, the infamous “Hanoi Jane.” Didn't Min know that?

His fundraising campaign sends an unequivocal message: Min has no respect for our veterans and the Vietnamese community in Orange County who endured unimaginable hardship while fleeing communist oppression.

In May 2024, the Vietnamese American Federation of Southern California had written to the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors strongly opposing the board's decision choosing Black on April as “Jane Fonda Day.” The board of directors has since canceled that date. The letter was signed by three chapters of the Vietnam Veterans of America, the Southern California 1st Marine Division Association and more than a dozen veterans' associations of the armed forces of the Republic of Vietnam.

Jane Fonda visited Ha Noi in 1972 as communist troops brutally attacked American and South Vietnamese troops. Her sitting behind an anti-aircraft gun that had shot down American planes and her statement in Hai Noi are seen by many American veterans as an act of treason. Likewise, millions of Vietnamese still today view his involvement as aiding the aggressors and a betrayal of the people of South Vietnam. After the war ended in 1975, hundreds of thousands of South Vietnamese were imprisoned in forced labor camps; their properties and finances were expropriated; and their families were broken by forced labor in jungle economic redevelopment projects.

Min doesn't care about us. He's too busy hanging out with an out-of-touch actress who proudly allied herself with the Viet Cong, the brutal regime that displaced, tortured and massacred countless Vietnamese civilians and American soldiers.

However, Dave Min sees fit to roll out the red carpet for Hanoi Jane in Hollywood, among others. Could there be a clearer sign that Min is nothing more than a self-centered celebrity wannabe with no intention of actually representing the hardworking people of Orange County?

He owes the Vietnamese-American community and all Vietnam veterans an immediate apology and a full refund of Fonda’s tainted money. By raising money from Fonda, Min might as well have spit on the graves of our fallen soldiers himself.




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