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Are the diva days over? Wedding and cinema in Bollywood


Why does the career of so many actresses start to decline once they tie the knot?




Does marriage affect the career of a movie star? Does it take a toll on their sequel, their popularity? Or can it completely kill their careers?

This has been the unresolved question, raised repeatedly, in Bollywood. Does marriage affect a male or female actor more? Admittedly, weddings have called the curtains of many movie stars, mainly women and mainly those who married at the peak of their careers.

But, according to GlamSham, over the generations, female stars have become more intelligent. They do not find themselves in marriage until the end of their race. During the day, the world of cinema, in particular the stars, was not very literate and had little exposure outside.



They all had their own coterie of people around them. Most stars have lived a closed life: from home to studio and from studio to home. For everything else, they depended on the coterie.

Most of the girls who grew up in the celebrity film industry came from poor families. They were the dairy cows of the household, but the inevitable almost always happened. In the little world that the stars knew, they found themselves romantic tangles.

The other stars, directors and others involved in the making of films were the only ones the stars were able to see and “inter-community” marriages became a norm. There are rare cases where movie stars have gotten married outside of the industry.

The list of actresses who have married in the fraternity includes Nimmi, Vyjayanthimala, Waheeda Rehman, Jaya Bhaduri, Poonam Sinha, Rakhee, Kalpana Kartik, Saira Banu, Leena Chandavarkar, Nargis, Madhubala, Meena Kumari, Geeta Bali, Sadhnia Dimple, Yogita Bali and Nanda (for now, have reportedly married Manmohan Desai).

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It then includes Neetu Singh, Padmini Kolhapure, Poonam Dhillon, Moushumi Chatterjee, Sridevi, Zarina Wahab, Bhagyashree, Kajol, Rani Mukerji, Vidya Balan and Deepika Padukone.

A few who got married outside the movie world include Mumtaz, Juhi Chawla, Madhuri Dixit, Preity Zinta, Anushka Sharma, Sharmila Tagore, Dia Mirza and Priyanka Chopra.

However, these are only exceptions: in almost all cases, the careers of the actresses began to decline soon after their marriage. Most felt it was time for them to start a family. When they organized a return, it was mainly in character roles. Is it because viewers didn’t like an acting married woman?

It’s strange, but somehow the whole filmmaker doesn’t seem to want to touch a married actress, even if she’s a super seller. The first male role is often not very happy with the situation because the heroin is already taken.



Filmmakers complain that the chemistry is often not the same between the hero and a married heroine, as the romance seems to pretend. But also, when the chemistry worked, it made many popular screen couplings like Raj Kapoor-Nargis, Dilip Kumar-Vyjayanthimala, Guru Dutt-Waheeda Rehman, Dharmendra-Hema Malini, Rajesh Khanna-Sharmela Tagore, Amitabh Bachchan- Rekha and Rishi Kapoor -Neetu Singh, Jeetendra have teamed up well with Mumtaz, Sridevi and Jaya Prada.

More recently, we had Anil Kapoor-Madhuri Dixit, Shah Rukh Khan-Kajol and now, Ranveer Singh-Deepika Padukone.

Making films is a matter of proximity and lonely shooting schedules away from home and close for extended periods. Perhaps this is the reason why so many actresses lose after marriage?

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