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Inside the $ 10million Irish mansion that featured in a Hollywood movie when it went on sale


A sprawling mega-mansion nestled in the idyllic coastal village of Killiney, which has connections to some of Hollywood’s most familiar faces, has just hit the market for $ 10million.

Known as Ananda, taken from Sanskrit for Happiness, the spectacular custom-built residence spans 929 m2. m / 10,000 square meters ft. and offers stunning views of Killiney Bay, Bray Head and the Wicklow Mountains.

Hidden behind granite walls on Killineys St Georges Avenue, the local, which has seven bedrooms and six bathrooms, has a distinct LA vibe, so it’s no surprise that it has caught the attention of locals. Hollywood producers in recent years.

The gorgeous property was used as the main filming location for Irish actor Pierce Brosnan’s 2016 IT movie, which follows a self-taught aviation mogul who lives in a state-of-the-art smart home full of modern technology.

‘Ananda’ is one of the hottest properties currently on the market
(Image: Knight Frank)

It’s easy to see why the filmmakers would choose Ananda as the centerpiece of the film, with the magnificent home offering an array of modern comforts that would make even Tony Stark envious, including an air-conditioned glass wine cellar, geothermal heating, and security gates. automatic at both entrances.

Killiney and the surrounding area of ​​Dalkey has attracted some of Los Angeles’ brightest stars over the past decade. The property is located just moments from where actor Matt Damon went through lockdown last year after filming for his upcoming drama The Last Duel was put on hold due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Oscar winner was just the latest celebrity to settle in the area, with director Neil Jordan and singer Enya also living nearby, while U2 frontman Bono made his home in the sleepy neighborhood of the coast for years.

The magnificent mansion is located in one of the most coveted areas of the country

Ananda has been one of the hottest properties on the Irish market for quite some time and a quick glance at the amazing mega-mansion will tell you why it is so coveted.

Once through the main entrance, Ananda offers a double living room which provides ideal places for entertaining.

You can then have a drink next to an air-conditioned glass wine cellar that can hold over 600 bottles. Tucked away behind is a separate pantry room with a walk-in fridge / freezer for easy access to drinks and soft drinks.

After you’ve stocked up on your drinks, the party can move into the living room which is arranged around a glass-enclosed fireplace and granite hearth recessed into a curved concrete wall.

The open kitchen offers stunning views

From the living room, a discreet door leads to a personalized office with beautiful curved cabinets and maximizing natural light, with full-length windows overlooking the impressive garden.

To add to the Hollywood vibe, the living room also has a secret door that leads into the custom designed open kitchen of Strato Cucina in Milan, Italy.

The kitchen includes sleek, minimalist features including a generous five-seater island, three large sinks, and a host of built-in appliances from Gaggenau & Wolf.

When it’s time to serve dinner, guests can sit around the twelve-seater dining table which is placed next to large sliding windows offering stunning views of the surrounding area.

The spectacular master bedroom features a unique curved glass wall offering views of Killiney Bay, Bray Head and the Wicklow Mountains
(Image: Knight Frank)

Homeowners looking for a little more privacy will be happy to learn that glass can be made opaque with the flick of a switch.

Unsurprisingly, the extravagant master bedroom offers the best views in the house, with floor to ceiling windows overlooking Killiney Bay, Bray Head and the Wicklow Mountains. The comfortable bedroom also has automated curtains and walk-in closets for him and her.

The exceptional master bathroom with bookmarked Carrara marble includes a claw-foot tub and wet room style shower with panoramic views.

The mansion offers the perfect space to accommodate guests
(Image: Knight Frank)

The four additional bedrooms located on the second floor of the property offer study areas, ample closet space, Jack and Jill suites, and eye-catching views.

A large media / games room offers the perfect space to accommodate your loved ones and includes a mini kitchen, staff / guest quarters with en-suite bathrooms, storage space and a separate entrance on the lower level.

The north side of the property has two separate automated car entrances, a detached individual garage and two entrances into the main house.

Meanwhile, the south side of the property includes the beautiful garden with a large barbecue / kitchen area where guests can have a bite to eat while warming up next to the outdoor fireplace.

The house has a beautiful garden, barbecue / kitchen area, two separate living areas and an outdoor fireplace
(Image: Knight Frank)

There is also a detached gymnastics / yoga studio with a changing area and private facilities, meaning the next owner can maintain their fitness level without having to wait for the gyms to reopen.

Ananda is the definition of a ‘dream home’ and has been featured on real estate websites across the world hailing it as one of the most eye-catching listings in the world.

It is currently on the market for 10,000,000 via Knight Frank.

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