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‘Young Rock’ has biggest audiences in years for NBC comedy


The Young Rock series has attracted the largest audiences among the 14 comedies that have premiered on NBC since 2017.

The biographical review of various chapters of football player turned professional wrestler turned actor Dwayne Johnsons averaged 5.319 million viewers, second in his 8 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. time slot on Tuesday behind a replay of the CBS action drama NCIS, 18th among prime-time programs. aired between Feb. 15 and Sunday and third among comedies, according to live plus same-day numbers released Tuesday by Nielsen.

The premiere of the NBC comedy Kenan, which stars Kenan Thompson as the host of an Atlanta morning TV show and a father of two daughters, also finished second in his time slot. Kenan averaged 4.226 million viewers, 28th for the week and sixth among comedies.

Weeks, the other first to air on a major broadcast network was the Fox game show Cherries Wild, which averaged 1.195 million viewers in front of 60 Minutes and finished 110th among broadcast programs.

CBS does not broadcast original television episodes, two of the most popular entertainment programs to have aired at least five episodes this season, NCIS and the FBI, its 60 Minutes news magazine was the winner of prime time ratings. listening for the week, with an average of 9.555 million viewers.

The Equalizer, which tracked 60 Minutes, was the only week of the other program to average over 8 million viewers, with an average of 8.125 million.

An element of the NBCs Chicago franchise had the highest ratings for all non-CBS programming for the third week in a row, with Chicago Med averaging 7.591 million viewers, fourth for the week.

The 9-1-1 procedural drama was Fox’s highest-ranked program for the fifth week in a row, averaging 6.85 million viewers, sixth for the week.

American Idol was ABC’s biggest circulation, for the second time in two weeks it has aired this season, averaging 6.674 million viewers, seventh for the week.

CBS Young Sheldon was the top-rated comedy, averaging 7.721 million viewers, third for the week. NBCs Chicago PD was the winner in ratings for programs starting at 10 p.m., averaging 5.879 million viewers, finishing 11th for the week.

CBS was first in the network race for the fifth week in a row and seventh time in the 22-week-old 2020-2021 television season, averaging 4.59 million viewers for its prime-time programming .

ABC was second, with an average of 3.87 million viewers, and NBC third, with an average of 3.49 million. Fox was fourth, with an average of 2.62 million viewers. The same order as the previous three weeks.

Fox News Channel political talk show Tucker Carlson Tonight ended The Rachel Maddow Show’s three-week streak as the highest-rated prime-time cable program, with Wednesday’s episode averaging 3,704 million viewers, 38th in total.

CNN’s mayoralty with President Joe Biden was second among cable shows and 39th overall, averaging 3.66 million.

The order of arrival among the top three cable networks was the same for the fourth consecutive week. Fox News Channel was first, with 2.42 million average viewers, MSNBC second, 1.905 million on average, and CNN third, with an average of 1.603 million.

Bridgerton tops the list of most watched shows on the four streaming services whose numbers are released by Nielsen for the second week in a row and the third time in four weeks.

Viewers watched 1.061 billion minutes of Netflix’s scorching eight-episode drama between January 18 and 24, the fifth time in its five-week release that it has passed the billion-minute mark. Audience was down 23.4% from 1.386 billion minutes watched the previous week.

With 12 more episodes available, Criminal Minds jumped from two spots to second place, with viewers watching 939 million minutes of 297 episodes of CBS’s 2005-2020 Police Procedure, 10.1% more than the 853 million minutes watched the previous week.

For the second week in a row, all of the Top 10 shows were on Netflix. Nielsen also publishes audience figures for programming aired on Disney +, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video.

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