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Geoffrey Scott Dead: ‘Dynasty’, Dark Shadows actor was 79


4:00 p.m. PST 03/02/2021


Mike Barnes

He worked on several other soap operas and was a familiar face in commercials for Marlboro, Old Spice, and Camel cigarettes.

Geoffrey Scott, who played tennis pro Mark Jennings, the first husband of Linda Evans ‘Krystle Carrington, on the’ 80s ABC soap opera Dynasty, is dead. He was 79 years old.

Scott died of Parkinson’s disease on February 23 just after midnight the day after his birthday in Broomfield, Colorado, his wife, Cheri Catherine Scott, said. Hollywood journalist.

The handsome Scott also played an American Marshal fighting aliens in 1880s Wyoming in “The Secret Empire” part of the 1979 NBC series. Cliffhangers!; starred alongside Jerry Reed in the 1981 CBS series Concrete cowboys (he stepped into the role created by Tom Selleck in a TV movie the show was based on); and was a quarterback on the 1984-85 HBO sitcom 1st and ten.

On daytime soap operas, Scott portrayed publisher Sky Rumson on ABC’s Dark shadows in 1970, Jeffrey Jordan on CBS ‘ Where is the heart in 1972, David McAllister on ABC’s General hospital in 1989 and Billy Lewis on CBS ‘ Guiding light In 1994.

And in commercials he’s made nearly 100, he’s played a Marlboro man as well as a sailor throwing an Old Spice antiperspirant, “walked a mile for a camel” in a cigarette campaign shot at the Taj Mahal and starred with Margaret Hamilton in spots for Maxwell Café House.

Scott joined Dynasty near the start of its third season in 1982 and worked on the legendary show for two years, appearing in 45 episodes. His character is brought to Denver by accomplice Alexis Colby (Joan Collins) after learning that Mark and Krystle’s divorce years earlier was not legal.

Later, Mark saves Krystle and Alexis from a fire, becomes Alexis’ bodyguard, and is pushed out of a terrace upon his death, Alexis becoming the prime suspect.

Scott was born in Los Angeles on February 22, 1942. His father, Reed, worked as a manager at Lockheed, producing airplanes, and his mother, Jayne, was a housewife.

He and his brother Don, later a lawyer at Universal, were raised in the San Fernando Valley on the same street as John Wayne and Clark Gable, and he often jumped into Gable’s pool uninvited.

Scott was signed by legendary agent Dick Clayton, who would also represent people like Jane Fonda, James Dean and Burt Reynolds, and he got a deal at Universal.

Scott also appeared in Sidney Lumet’s The next morning (1986) and on shows such as Adam-12, Cannon, Barnaby jones, Kojak, Dallas, Matt houston, Night court, Married with children and Murphy brown.

His wife said he and Selleck often fought over roles.

Scott retired after 45 years in show business and moved to Colorado with his family to practice skiing, his lifelong passion. He had lived in the Boulder area for the past 10 years.

In addition to his wife, he is survived by his twins Christopher and Matthew.

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