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Clone Wars’ young Jedi arc could still work for a TV spin-off

Clone Wars’ young Jedi arc could still work for a TV spin-off


The Clone Wars Young Jedi Arc was originally a pitch for a Star Wars spinoff TV series, and the concept could still work.

In Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season five, the Young Jedi arc focuses on a group of youths traveling to collect kyber crystals and create lightsabers as they are drawn into adventures with pirates and separatists on their journey. As CinemaBlend Reports, Pablo Hidalgo explained in a series of tweets from 2016 that the Young Jedi arc was initially going to be edited together to create a pilot for a spinoff TV series. Although the spin-off did not materialize, the concept is still solid. Lucasfilm and Disney could revisit this idea and create an animated or live TV show focused on the Padawans and the youth of the High Republic era.

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Star Wars: The Clone WarsThe Young Jedi Arc is making great strides in expanding viewers’ knowledge of the training the Jedi underwent during the prequel era. The arc follows Byph, Ganodi, Gungi, Katooni, Petro, and Zatt as they prepare for the next stages of their training. for their lightsabers. The next episode, “A Test of Strength,” introduces Huyang, a droid who has overseen the construction of Jedi lightsabers for hundreds of years. He explains to the young Jedi how they will design and make their own lightsabers. The rest of the arc mainly follows the young Jedi grappling with Hondo Ohnaka and his pirates. In the climax of the arc, the young people must work with the pirates to escape General Grievous. While the arc after the first episode is more action-oriented, there are still moments dedicated to the young Jedi reaching practice milestones.

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A series focused on these young people during the Clone Wars timeline, as originally intended, might still work. The characters are attractive and the arc works as a good ground for future adventures. However, all Star warsThe prequel-era Padawan-centric series has the dark shadows of Order 66 and the massacre of Anakin Skywalker Youth and Padawans hanging over it. While the series might start off as a lighter-weight magical school story, it would inevitably end in tragedy.

Yet the concept of the Padawans might work in other eras as well. Series focused on young Jedi have already flourished in Legends canon. For example, Kevin J. Anderson and Rebecca Moestas Young Jedi Knights and Junior Jedi Knights Series focused on Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo’s children and their friends training at Luke Skywalker’s Jedi Academy on Yavin 4 during the New Republic era. Jude watsons Jedi Apprentice series focused on Obi-Wan Kenobi’s training with Qui-Gon Jinn in the prequel era. These series have been essential in expanding knowledge about the training and growth of young Jedi Knights throughout the Continuity of Legends timeline.

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In the current Star wars cannon, the Star Wars: The High Republic sub-series has a multigenerational marketing approach, and Padawans and young people are the cornerstone of their focus on content for all ages. Currently, the sub-series includes picture books, mid-level novels, young adult novels, and comic book series for all ages with a focus on children and young adult readers. So far, Justina Ireland’sStar Wars: The High Republic: A Test of Courage focused on young Jedi knight Vernestra Rwoh, Padawan Imri Cantaros and other young children as they escaped the Nihil terrorists. Claudia grayStar Wars: The High Republic: Into The Dark focused on teenage and adult characters, but Padawan Reath Silas and Byne Guild member Affie Hollow were the two main protagonists in the novel.

Most importantly, Daniel Jos Olders Star Wars: Adventures of the High Republic focuses heavily on Lula Talisola and her Padawan and her young friends who are studying with Master Yoda. A Padawans series incorporating any or all of these characters would be a significant addition to the new canon and expand viewers’ knowledge of Jedi training in the High Republic era.

All in all, a Padawans TV series could still be amazing in any era. Magical school series, in general, are popular with younger audiences, and a Padawans TV series could fill that niche in the new one. Star wars cannon. However, the Haute République sub-series already has a solid foundation that could easily be turned into a television medium.While the novels and comics devoted to the Haute République era are amazing in themselves, these characters could easily make the leap to television screens. , giving a new generation of Jedi their time in the limelight.

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