Sons of Anarchy actor reportedly played Johnny Cage in Mortal Kombat
While Mortal combat Fans and Ryan Reynolds want Ryan Reynolds to play Johnny Cage in new 2021 sequel Mortal combat movie, Warner Bros. apparently has other plans. According to a new report, Warner Bros. isn’t interested in Ryan Reynolds, Chris Pratt, The Miz, or any of the other names floating around over the past couple of months, but instead eyeing Charlie Hunnam, best known for his role as Jackson “Jax” Teller in Sons of anarchy, as well as his leading roles in films like Pacific Rim, King Arthur: The Legend of the Sword, and The lost city of Z.
The report comes the way of Daniel Richtman, an industry insider known for his scoops on movies, television and video games. Unfortunately, that doesn’t reveal much else, and it’s not 100% clear whether Warner Bros. looks specifically at Hunnam or someone from the general cast of the actor.
Either way, while Hunnam isn’t one of the first names that come to mind when casting Johnny Cage, the 41-year-old actor holds a blue belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu and s ‘is trained with Rigan Machado. In other words, he could handle the physical demands of the film, which is clearly important for the casting director, because so far every casting has been done with the physical demands in mind.
That said, for now, take everything here with a big grain of salt. Although the source in question has been proven to be reliable in the past, it doesn’t change the fact that everything here is unofficial and subject to change.
At the time of publication, none of the parties involved have commented on any of this. We don’t expect this to change, but if it does, we’ll make sure to update the story accordingly. In the meantime, below, you can read more about why Cage isn’t appearing in the first movie, according to reboot producer Todd Garner.
“I want to do a sequel, and now I have Johnny Cage, which wasn’t used in the first one,” Garner said earlier this year. “So I have a big stick and a carrot that they maybe let me have a real Johnny Cage presence in the second one. And secondarily, when you think of Mortal Kombat, if you just think of the patina of the film, he has a very Asian feel. And at first I felt uncomfortable having a white man as the lead actor in the first movie. It just felt like Hollywood, which is weird because it’s a actor, which is also weird. And probably my bias of … it just feels weird if I try to do, and I was, do something different, diverse and real. is a loophole to have Ryan Reynolds all of a sudden, not him, but … like the lead role felt a bit spurious and super easy to fit in, in a fun and bombastic way in the second. And he deserves it as a character. And I love those characters, so we thought about it. “
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