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Why is Sebastian Stan canceled on Twitter? Actor faces backlash online


US actor Sebastian Stan is currently trending on Twitter as the internet tries to undo him in June 2021. The 38-year-old appears to be dividing social media users. Let’s see if it’s canceled and what caused the drama.

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Who is Sébastien Stan?

Sebastian Stan is a 38-year-old actor born in Romania. He has Romanian and American nationality.

Sebastian graduated from Rutgers University in New Brunswick in 2005.

His most notable movie roles include Bucky Barnes (The Winter Soldier), Jeff Gillooly in me Tonya, and Carter Baizen in Gossip Girl. Most recently, Sebastian played the role of Mickey in the 2020 film Monday.

This year will also see Sebastian star alongside Lily James in the highly anticipated Hulus series, Pam & Tommy. The show will explore the whirlwind romance between Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee, which culminated in their marriage after just 96 hours.

Why are people saying Sebastian is canceled?

If you’ve logged into Twitter and saw the internet trying to cancel Sebastian Stan, you might be wondering what the actor did to deserve that cancellation.

The cancellation comes from Sebastian Stan who would have liked a video on Instagram, of a white man saying the word n ​​in 2017.

A suspected Twitter user: The way I can’t mind my own business on Tumblr because I find out Sebastian Stan decided to like (okay with) a video of a white man saying the n word with his whole chest, shortly after being dragged out for his racist Knee Take A Meme. I can’t do this shit.

This isn’t the first time Sebastian Stan has fallen for the drama on Twitter. Sebastian would haveBlocked Twitter users in 2020, after his girlfriend, Alejandra Onieva, faced the culture of online cancellation for alleged cultural appropriation. Neither Sebastian nor Alejandra commented on the accusations at the time.

Many Sebastians fans have taken to Twitter to defend him. A fan wrote that the actor may have made mistakes but said they thought he was the victim in the situation.

Sebastian talks about online trolls

In a 2021 interview with Indie Wires Libby Hill, Sebastian spoke about the culture of cancellation he experienced online.

He said: I think it’s just interesting how people criticize everything so quickly, you know? I just wanna be like okay, do you have something to say? Go over there and fucking prove it.

He continued: People are very comfortable behind a keyboard, but it’s like if you want to do something that lasts, you’re going to have to do a lot more than type a message.e.

A Twitter user took a different stance from others and said: sebastian stan needs to realize that he is not canceled, that he is held accountable for his problematic behavior and the way he stands up for his racist girlfriend.

Another person tweeted: But that’s not an argument they want to consider. I understand how offended people are and I don’t get anything out of it. I’m saying there must be some other way to do something other than cancel someone. It’s like we’d be royally canceled if our lives were scrutinized.

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