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Amanda Hearst Fashion House aims to make sustainable fashion accessible

Amanda Hearst Fashion House aims to make sustainable fashion accessible


Growing up as the heir to the Hearst magazine publishing company, Amanda Hearst is no stranger to the fashion world. And after a life adjacent to the fashion industry, in 2015 she combined her industry knowledge with her passion for the environment and co-founded a sustainable shopping website. Fashion House.

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Hearst tells Green business that she created Maison de Mode to fight the stigma that sustainable and ethical fashion can’t be so luxurious. Now, six years later, the activist, businesswoman and heir to publishing company Hearst is thrilled that sustainable fashion is becoming more mainstream – and she is also using her platform to make it. more accessible.

Not to mention, Hearst is a lifelong animal lover and environmentalist, and she has founded and worked with several charities to prove it. More recently, in 2018, Hearst founded WELL-BEING, a non-profit organization that educates the public on the link between the climate crisis, animal welfare and environmental justice. The organization is currently working on a campaign to restore mangrove forests along the hard-hit coastal areas of Puerto Rico and the British Virgin Islands.

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Amanda Hearst

Source: Courtesy of Amanda Hearst

To find out more about Maison de Mode, WELL-BEINGS and Amanda Hearst’s personal journey of sustainable life, Green business recently met her via email as part of our Green Routine series.

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GREEN MATTERS: When did you become an environmentalist?

AMANDA HEARST: I don’t think there was a watershed moment when I said, “Yes, I’m going to be an environmentalist now!” But, even as a little girl, I have always enjoyed spending time alone in nature. And my mom raised us with lots and lots of rescue animals. So, I guess my love for animals and the environment has always been there, and then when I became an “adult” I started to integrate those interests organically into my professional life.

GM: Why do you care about the protection of the planet and the animals?

AH: Protecting the environment means protecting wildlife, protecting people. Everything is interconnected. So, with WELL / BEINGS and Maison de Mode, I always try to highlight how everyone and everything is interdependent. For example, the beef industry accounts for around 80 percent of Amazon deforestation. And the demand for livestock is driven by our consumption of red meat and the purchase of leather. And if we lose the Amazons, we will lose one of the biggest carbon sinks in the world.

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So if we eat less red meat and buy less leather, that Is have an impact on the environment, the people and animals that depend on it. Everything is interconnected and we as individuals can make a difference.

Amanda Hearst

Source: Getty Images

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GM: What’s the biggest misconception about sustainable living you’ve come across?

AH: Whether it’s all or nothing. It is impossible to live 100% sustainably and without impact on the environment. So, really “living sustainably” is about making small changes in your day-to-day life. Maybe eat less red meat, recycle more, and stop fast fashion shopping. All the little changes end up making a huge difference.

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GM: What’s one thing you really love about the sustainable fashion movement right now?

AH: May the movement finally arrive! I started writing about ethical fashion in 2010, and there wasn’t a lot of momentum back then. But now, literally, all brands are incorporating sustainability practices into their businesses. It’s very inspiring!

GM: What inspired you to co-found Maison de Mode? What are you most proud of in the company?

AH: My partner Hassan Pierre and I created Maison de Mode with the aim of proving to consumers that “ethical fashion” was luxurious and beautiful. We wanted to undermine the stigma that existed at the time – that sustainable fashion wasn’t chic, flattering, or beautiful. Today we still have the same mission, but as consumers’ interest in sustainability has grown exponentially, our mission has now grown to make ethical fashion accessible as well.

Green routine“is a series of Green business which invites the notables of the environmental space to share the efforts they make to live more sustainably.




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