Katy Perry’s plunging gold dress steals the show at Coronation concert – Footwear News

Katy Perry gave a stunning performance at the King Charles III coronation concert on Sunday at Windsor Castle in Windsor, England. Pear dedicated his performance to the British Asia Trust and sang orchestral versions of his hit songs like “Roar” and “Firework”.
“I am so happy to be here with you. I love you all so much. I have to bring my mother, she is so happy to be here. I can stay in this castle! Thank you for inviting me to the Coronation Celebration and I want to dedicate this song to the King and the work we do with the British Asian Trust,” she said on stage.
Katy Perry performs onstage during the Coronation Concert on May 7, 2023 in Windsor, England.
CREDIT: Leon Neal/Getty Images
The hitmaker was dressed in an extravagant gold dress by Vivienne Westwood, featuring long loose sleeves and a plunging sculptural bodice that transitioned into a voluminous skirt. The garment was made in a high shine metallic fabric, perfect for the stage.
Katy Perry performs onstage during the Coronation Concert on May 7, 2023 in Windsor, England.
CREDIT: Getty Images
Although her shoes weren’t visible under the long hem of her gold dress, it’s likely that Perry wore some sort of pointed-toe court shoe with short, walkable stilettos that allowed her to walk across the stage with confidence.
Katy Perry performs onstage during the Coronation Concert on May 07, 2023 in Windsor, England.
CREDIT: Getty Images
The American singer, songwriter and TV personality is known for her unique and eclectic style, often featuring bold prints, bright colors and playful accessories. She has been a fashion icon throughout her career, collaborating with designers and even creating her own fashion line.
Perry has also been involved in various philanthropic fashion initiatives, including supporting sustainability fashion and promote diversity and inclusiveness in the industry. In 2018, Perry performed at a charity event hosted by King Charles and was subsequently appointed as an ambassador to help the British Asian Trust’s fight against child trafficking, with the support of the new British king.
Katy Perry performs onstage during the Coronation Concert on May 07, 2023 in Windsor, England.
CREDIT: Getty Images
THE Coronation Concertbroadcast live at Windsor Castle by the BBC and BBC Studios, follows the coronation of King Charles III and Camilla, queen consort. The list of artists includes Katy Perry, Lionel Richie, Andrea Bocelli, Sir Bryn Terfel, Take That, Freya Ridings and Alexis Ffrench. The show will also include a performance by The Coronation Choir, a group that has recruited members from different choirs across the UK, including refugee choirs, NHS choirs, LGBTQ+ choirs and deaf choirs.
PICTURES: See all the performers and participants at the King Charles III coronation concert.
About the Author:
Amina Ayoud is an assistant digital editor for Footwear News, where she writes about everything from celebrity style to fashion and shoe releases. Ayoud cultivated a love of fashion early on through a deep love of fashion history and the luxury industry. In her spare time, Ayoud is a self-proclaimed fashion enthusiast and thrifty.
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