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25 titles: Men's track and field and women's swimming and diving dominate at Ivy League championships

25 titles: Men's track and field and women's swimming and diving dominate at Ivy League championships



Last weekend, men's track and field (11th overall, 00 Ivy League) and women's swimming and diving (111th overall, 70 Ivy League) traveled north to compete in the Ivy League championships in their respective sports. Both teams won their 25th Ivy League title at the end of the weekend. The dynasty continued for men's track and field as they earned their ninth straight championship victory.

Swim & Dive takes the lead early and never looks back

Wednesday evening, the championships began with the 200 medley relay. The Tiger quartet of junior Alexa Pappas, senior Margaux McDonald, sophomore Sabrina Johnston and junior Ela Noble started the competition in exciting fashion by breaking the Ivy competition record set by Yale l last year and touching the wall after 1:36.89. The time reached the B qualification of the NCAA Championships. Shortly thereafter, Princeton placed first in the 800-yard freestyle relay, breaking a seven-year-old pool record. After the first day of action, the Tigers held an 18-point lead over Harvard (52, 52) and Brown (43, 43).

My experience at the Ivy League Championships was full of enthusiasm and powerful energy,” Johnston wrote to the Daily Princetonian. Throughout the competition, the entire team was on a path of confidence, strength and love for each other. Everything I did was for the team, and it was much more meaningful that day.

During the second day of competition, the Orange and Black increased their lead over the Crimson after a dominant evening in the water. The first major victory of the night came when the Tigers swept the podium in the 200 individual medley (NI). Freshman Dakota Tucker won the event with a time of 1:56.77, a good performance for an NCAA B cut. Princeton received 137 points in the event, with five of the top six being Tigers.

Before this race, I felt a sense of enjoyment that I had never felt in this sport, knowing that my teammates would be with me every step of the way, Tucker wrote to the Prince. After hitting the wall, I didn't even think about my own results, but was just excited to see my teammates' results. I couldn't have felt more proud of them in that moment…that moment truly defined what it means to be a Princeton Tiger.

In the 50 freestyle final, it was once again Johnston looking on. Johnston touched the wall in 22.07, beating teammate Noble by 0.06 seconds. Johnston broke a previous pool record set by a Yale swimmer in 2017.

The 50 [freestyle] and 100 [freestyle] are races so fast that you don't really have time to think, noted Johnston. By the time I got on the blocks, all I had to do was feed off the energy coming from my teammates on the sides of the pool and focus on myself and no one else. other.

In the one-meter diving final, Harvard took the crown. However, Francesca Noviello and Maddie Seltzer, two junior divers from Princeton, finished in the top 10.

The Tigers finished Thursday's meet in strong fashion, breaking an Ivy meet record in the 200 freestyle relay. In 1:29.03, Johnston, Noble, sophomore Heidi Smithwick and junior Isabella Kornly broke an Ivy League record set at Denunzio Pool last season during the 2023 conference championships. After the second day of competition , Princeton held an 85.5-point lead over the Crimson.

With six crucial events scheduled for Friday evening, the third night of competition saw the Tigers maintain a good lead at the top of the standings.

In the 100-yard butterfly, Smithwick and Johnston finished in the top five and gave the Tigers crucial points to start the evening.


The next event was the 400 individual medley (IM), which was dominated by the league's first-year swimmers, with the top four all being rookies. Fortunately for Princeton, the gold and silver medals were won by the Tigers. Tucker touched the wall in 4:07.32 while freshman Eleanor Sun touched the wall a few seconds later. Both times were NCAA B standard time.

In the 100 breaststroke, the Tigers had only one swimmer in the championship final. McDonald had the third-fastest preliminary time among the eight swimmers. At the end of the competition, McDonald finished first with a time of 1:00.20 in the final and won her second gold medal of the tournament. Heading into the final day of competition, Princeton had 953 points, ahead of the Crimson, who had 857.5 and found themselves in second place.

To conclude the championships on Saturday, Johnston and Tucker continued their domination. Johnston set another pool record in the 100 freestyle, clocking 48.28. In the 200 breaststroke, Tucker was brilliant throughout, comfortably beating sophomore teammate Eliza Brown in the final. The competition ended with the 400m freestyle relay, where the Tigers once again won. After 20 grueling events, Princeton won the Ivy League championships with 1,403 points accumulated.

At the end of the tournament, three Tigers won major awards. Head coach Abby Brethauer was named Coach of the Year. Tucker was named High Point Swimmer of the meet while Ellie Marquardt was named Career High Point Swimmer. Tucker finished with 96 points, the highest point total possible in the competition. A full list of playoff awards can be found here.

Get this price [High Point Swimmer] meant a lot to me because it showed how hard I had worked throughout the season and that it doesn't matter if you are a [first year] Going into your first year of collegiate swimming, you are still able to perform to the best of your ability, Tucker added.

History makers: nine games in a row for men's track and field

Princeton men's track and field won its 25th Ivy League indoor track and field title on Sunday night. The team dominated the competition from start to finish, finishing with 168 total points. Cornell finished in second place, 53 points behind Princeton.

One of the standout athletes in the competition was junior Philip Kastner, who won the heptathlon with 5,591 points. He won the long jump and shot put events. Junior distance runner Samuel Rodman had a spectacular performance in the 800-meter final, finishing in first place with a time of 1:48.65.

Perhaps the most memorable part of the weekend was the 200 meter final. The Tigers swept the podium, with freshman Jackson Clarke taking first place, followed by freshman Zach Della Rocca and sophomore Joey Gant. Clarke's time of 21:15 was a meet record.

As the freshmen Tigers showed at the meet, the future is very bright for men's track and field.

The Tigers dominated both relays, winning the 400-meter relay and the 800-meter relay. Another impressive individual performance for Princeton came from junior distance runner Nicholas Bendsten. Bendsten earned two first-place finishes in the 3,000 meter and 5,000 meter races. His time of 7:54.81 was an Ivy League record for 3,000 meters.

One of the events the Tigers struggled with was the pole vault, where the Tigers placed fifth. After losing Olympian Sondre Guttormsen '23 to graduation, Princeton awaits its next podium in this event.

Next up for men's track and field will be Boston, MA. A select group of athletes will head to The Track at New Balance to compete in the NCAA Championships next weekend.

Hayk Yengibaryan is deputy sports editor of Le Prince.

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