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Busy Philipps' Daughter Birdie Wears Her Mom's Vintage Dress to Olivia Rodrigo Concert

Busy Philipps' Daughter Birdie Wears Her Mom's Vintage Dress to Olivia Rodrigo Concert
Busy Philipps' Daughter Birdie Wears Her Mom's Vintage Dress to Olivia Rodrigo Concert


The 90s are definitely coming back into fashion.

Busy Philipps' daughter Birdie Silverstein, 15, attended Olivia Rodrigo's “Guts” tour concert in New York on April 6 in style, sporting a familiar dress from her mother's closet.

The teen attended the pop star's show with her “Freaks and Geeks” actress mother, sporting a vintage 1999 Betsey Johnson dress that Philipps first wore from “The Green Mile” with her then-boyfriend. time, Colin Hanks, 25 years ago.

Philipps, 44, wore the crushed velvet dress to a movie premiere with then-boyfriend Colin Hanks in 1999. WireImage
The actress took to Instagram to commemorate the girls' night out with her daughters. busyphilipps/Instagram
The red dress features lace details on the straps and bodice. Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images

Silverstein, who Phillips shares with ex-husband Marc Silverstein, wore the red velvet and black lace midi dress with a delicate heart necklace and wore her blonde hair in a straight style.

While Gen Zers kept their makeup very minimal, Philipps initially paired her outfit with a dark, moody lipstick, befitting the era.

Philipps, 44, shared a sweet series of photos with her eldest daughter on Instagram after the concert, writing in part: “Such an amazing rock show! I feel so lucky to be the mother of these children.

The podcast host added: “Please enjoy my side by side at 19 and my birdie last night in the same dress – YES, IT'S TRUE WE LOOK SIMILAR.”

We love Olivia Rodrigo so much,” Philipps wrote, “it was beyond special to be able to see her at MSG last night. Such an incredible rock show! I feel so lucky to be the mother of these children. busyphilipps/Instagram
Birdie appeared euphoric during the concert, singing with her hands to her face. busyphilipps/Instagram

In the photo series, Philipps included a photo showing Birdie thoroughly enjoying the show, seemingly singing along with her hands on her cheeks.

In others, Rodrigo flashes a peace sign for a selfie with the teen backstage.

Fans and friends loved the post, with one writing: “Such special memories and how great you saved dresses for Birdie to wear.”

Another said: “Betsey Johnson was in the 90s! I love how you saved so much if that! »

“YES IT'S TRUE WE LOOK SIMILAR,” Philipps wrote of her daughter on Instagram. WireImage
Betsey Johnson had some fun on Instagram, sharing the side-by-side photo of the duo on their personal account. Getty Images

For more Page Six style…

Betsey Johnson also shared the couple's side-by-side photo, captioning the post: “#twinning alert! » on Instagram.

Busy commented on the designer's post, writing that she and Birdie are Betsey Johnson “girls 4 life!”

Rodrigo is also a fan of the designer, as the 21-year-old star has already worn tons of dresses from the brand's archives that are older than her.

My motto pretty and punk has never been a trend, it's a state of mind, and it's amazing that it still resonates,” Johnson exclusively told Page Six Style about dressing the singer of “driver’s license” in 2022.




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