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Caitlin Clark gets fancy and dazzles in red dress to win Wooden Award

Caitlin Clark gets fancy and dazzles in red dress to win Wooden Award
Caitlin Clark gets fancy and dazzles in red dress to win Wooden Award


Aas she prepares for her emotional farewell Iowa Hawkeyes after three glorious years, at least on an individual level, Caitlin Clark was able to celebrate receiving another award for his efforts.

The 22-year-old played her final game for the Hawkeyes after taking part in Sunday's loss to Caroline from the southwho remained undefeated all season.

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To celebrate winning the award, Clark – who maintained a natural look while performing – stepped out in a glamorous scarlet red dress to take home the honor. She also wore a pair of elegant white pointed heels to complete her look as she smiled for the cameras.

Iowa has already announced that it will retire its No. 22 jersey, such has been its immense impact on the field. She became the most prolific scorer in college basketball history and joined the elite as the seventh player to win the Women's Wooden Award multiple times.

By requesting it a second time, she joins the prestigious company of Seimone Augustus (LSU), Candace Parker (Tennessee), Maya Moore (Connecticut), Brittney Griner (Baylor), Breanna Stewart (Connecticut) and Sabrina Ionescu (Oregon).

These six players all ranked first overall WNBA Draftwhich is also Clark's expectation in 2024 – she's already among the favorites in the WNBA MVP odds.

Footage has emerged on social media from the Hawkeyes account showing the talented basketball player with a number of celebrities, including meeting Jason Sudeikis, the actor who plays Ted Lasso in the popular football series. Clark even received his own AFC Richmond jersey with his name and number on the back.

Caitlin Clark is an inspiration

The three-time unanimous All-American is the first Division I player to record more than 3,800 points, more than 1,000 assists and more than 950 rebounds – she also holds the all-time D-I record, the single-record season goals and single-season 3-point record.

She followed up her Wooden Award win from last season by taking her game up a notch this year and leading the country in points per game (31.6), assists (8.9) and shots from 3-point range (5.2) while shooting 37.8% from deep and contributing. 7.4 rebounds.

It is widely acknowledged that Clark's efforts resulted in a large increase in media attention for NCAA women's basketballwith more and more fans listening March madness than ever before.

She is now expected to be the No. 1 pick in the draft and could be on her way to the Indiana Fever, who are the favorites to sign her next year.




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