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The first Italian luxury men's clothing brand, “CANALI”, has once again landed in Korea in partnership with…

The first Italian luxury men's clothing brand, “CANALI”, has once again landed in Korea in partnership with…
The first Italian luxury men's clothing brand, “CANALI”, has once again landed in Korea in partnership with…


Leading Italian luxury men's clothing brand “CANALI” has once again landed in Korea in partnership with leading Korean fashion company “Shinwon”. Previously, Canali entered the Korean market in 2015 and withdrew in 2020 due to the general recession in the fashion industry.
Canali is a brand that has built its quality and reputation as “100% Made in Italy” since its launch in 1934. It currently operates 190 boutiques and over 1,000 stores in over 100 countries around the world.
Recently, Maeil Business met with President Stefano Canali, who visited Korea to commemorate the entry into Korea and the opening of a pop-up store at the headquarters of Hyundai department store. “The current Korean fashion trend is affecting the world beyond Asia,” Canali said. “Success in Korea will be an important bridgehead for success in Asia.”
Canali is also famous as a brand favored by heads of state and celebrities. Former US President Barack Obama also gained popularity by wearing it during his inauguration ceremony. However, recently, lifestyle changes have significantly reduced the frequency of men wearing suits. In line with these changes, Canali has also introduced a variety of suit styles in its recent collection that reflect lifestyle.
“The concept of costume is evolving,” Canali said. “Today's suit is completely different from 10 years ago. It is no longer made only in its traditional classic form,” he said. He innovates to create clothes that are easy to wear every day while maintaining the luxury of Kanali, such as jackets using functional materials used in sportswear.
As he said, the Canali pop-up store offers a number of luxury casual items using high-quality fabrics as well as high-end suiting lines made from high-quality materials.
He said: “Quiet luxury is the trend these days, and I don’t agree with that. This is because I think the word “calm” is too dynamic. Canali’s quest is “whispered luxury”. I hope it will be subtly revealed. as a luxury item,” he said.
He asked why he chose his partner identity to enter Korea. “Shinwon is a company that is more than 50 years old, and it has as deep a know-how in the fashion industry as the heritage accumulated over half a century,” Canali said. “We also greatly appreciated Shinwon’s ability to leverage a wide range of distribution channels.”
He said: “As we reintroduce Canali to Korean consumers after a long time, we plan to establish our position in Korea with excellent quality products that will attract customers' attention. » Canali will open its official Korean store with Shinwon in the second half of the year.

President Stefano Canali Born in Milan, Italy, in 1972 Bachelor of Business Administration from Bocconi University in 1996 Joined Canali in 1998 2008~ CEO
[Reporter Kim Hyo-hye]




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