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See Zendaya in a Jacquemus Cutout Dress for 'Challengers'

See Zendaya in a Jacquemus Cutout Dress for 'Challengers'


Zendaya and her longtime stylist, Law Roach, can't make any sartorial mistakes in their whirlwind Challengers press circuit. While promoting her upcoming film, the Dunes 2 The actress has mastered the art of method dressing, pairing her preppy, court-ready cuts with retro-inspired beauty that takes the look to the next level. Unsurprisingly, Z's latest outfit on the Challengers tour was a winning addition to the range, reinventing the classic polo shirt and 60s mod full skirt with a bolder, sleeker reinvention.

THE Euphoria The star turned heads in a custom pink Jacquemus dress with a cutout that flaunted her toned stomach during a Challengers event in Los Angeles on Saturday, April 20. Zendaya's abs were on full display, save for a thin ribbon that connected her pastel pink cropped polo top to her extremely low-cut skirt. The Disney alum wore her preppy top fully buttoned up, in a nod to the history of tennis in her films, but the cropped design with an embellished ring kept the look fresh and modern. The A-line midi skirt was more retro, with a loose design that barely skimmed the tops of her ankles and showed off her shoes with a pair of matching pointy pumps decorated with flirty ribbons.

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Zendaya leaned into the mod aesthetic for her beauty look, choosing a pale pink French manicure and styling her golden waves in a voluminous Priscilla Presley-style bouffant that she topped with a baby pink ribbon. The actress kept her eyes and lips the same pink shade, adding drama with thick winged black eyeliner and bold brows.

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Challengers The release date is April 26, and critics have already started praising the film, which features Zendaya as a tennis pro stuck in a love triangle with two other players (played by Mike Faist and Josh O'Connor Unfortunately, this also means that actresses' era of serving up winning tennis-inspired looks is almost over, so we're going to fully appreciate every ace cut while we still can.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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