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The look borrowed from your boyfriend is incomplete without an oversized men's watch

The look borrowed from your boyfriend is incomplete without an oversized men's watch


There's plenty for style obsessives to watchSofia Coppola Archivesthe bubblegum pink album of ephemera from the director's cinematic oeuvre, based on snapshots of the glittering social fashions ofThe sparkling ringwith pages torn from the AmericanVoguewho inspired the pastel-colored period costumesMarie Antoinette. But the more horologically inclined will be drawn to the allusions the pages give to Coppola's watch collection, like the unmistakable double black strap of an Hermes Cape Cod, which snaked around her wrist as she steered it.Lost in translation,or the Cartier Tank in stainless steel with a rectangular case that she wore on a film shootThe seduced. Perhaps, like me, you've looked at a certain circular watch worn by Coppola in photographs from the 1998 Toronto series.Virgin suicidesto verify if it is indeed the vintage men's Rolex Oyster Date that his father, Francis Ford Coppola, gave him.

On camera, too, there's a stylish series of cinematic examples where women have donned watches traditionally worn by men: Honor Blackman wore a Rolex GMT-Master when she played Pussy Galore in 1964. The golden fingerVanessa Redgrave sported a Rolex Submariner in 1966 Explode (the watch was auctioned at Bonhams in 2023) and Sharon Stone wore a Rolex Submariner in Sphere (1998). In line with our prediction for unisex clothing or the continued appeal of oversized watches (thanks Phoebe Philo, Balenciaga and Bottega Veneta), women continue to size up, seeking the thicker measurements of men's watches, which are between 38 mm and 38 mm. 46mm in diameter, rather than the more delicate women's proportion range of 26mm to 36mm.

Image may contain Sofia Coppola Camera Electronics Video camera Clothing Shoes Shoe Adult person and hat

Sofia Coppola on the set of The seduced in 2017.

PictureLux / The Hollywood Archive / Alamy Stock Photo, PictureLux / The Hollywood Archi

Image may contain Sean Connery Wristwatch Face Head Person Photography Portrait Architecture Building and Exterior

Sean Connery and Honor Blackman in The golden finger1964.

LANDMARK MEDIA / Alamy Stock Photo,LANDMARK MEDIA / Alamy Stock Photo

Image may contain Vanessa Redgrave Clothing Shirt Photography City Road Street Urban Adult People and Photographer

Vanessa Redgrave on the set of Explode in 1966.

Sunset Boulevard

Victoria Beckham is a long-time advocate, including the recent collaboration with Breitling on a limited range of 1,500 pieces of its Chronomat Automatic 36, designed in yellow gold or stainless steel and with colored dials inspired by the spring/summer collection 2024 from its eponymous brand, gives a nod to its highly coveted collection. men's watch collection. I like their weight, their material, says Beckham, who sees his collaboration as a casual alternative to the more delicate or dazzling watches in the women's market. Many of her favorite pieces, which she explains remain timeless, were gifts from her husband, David, and include a rose gold Rolex Cosmograph Daytona (photo opposite), a Rolex Datejust with green enamel dial from the 70s and precious iterations of the Patek Philippe Nautilus.

I find that most of the men's watches I own have a more captivating look, rooted in a timeless elegance and simplicity, which often eschews the flamboyance of their counterparts designed for women, says Jaclyn Li, a 26-year-old watch collector. and consultant Phillips. . Rarely posting her face on Instagram, Li's elegant documentation of Cartier, Audemars Piguet and Voutilainen watches led her followers to mistake her for a man. Next on his wish list? A vintage Patek Philippe perpetual calendar chronograph, one of the most mechanically advanced watches on the market, first released in 1941.




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