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How Men Can Serve Tenniscore Fashion This Summer

How Men Can Serve Tenniscore Fashion This Summer


Tennis is having a moment, and everyone is dressed to the nines, all ready to hit the court. All thanks to the bubbling hype of Luca Guadagnino's new film, Challengers, about a tennis player caught in a love triangle. Zendaya, Mike Faist and Josh O'Connor's aesthetic and fashion are unparalleled.

For summer 2024, tenniscore fashion is the must-have trend. And what's not to like? Tennis court style meets preppy, creating a hit capsule wardrobe for the season.

While tenniscore was a major trend in 2022, due to the sport's viability in social distancing situations, this classic blend of sporty athleisure and luxury still offers a timeless and versatile option for men's everyday wear. The beauty of the trend lies in its ability to be both comfortable and refined.

From the summer matches of Wimbledon to the US Open, tennis is synonymous with style and sophistication. Even tennis players, including Roger Federer, Carlos Alcaraz, Casper Rudd, Novak Djokovic, Rafael Nadal and others, had the best style on and off the court and managed to convey the essence of the sport throughout of their popular style moments.

For men, tenniscore fashion is all about seamlessly combining technical innovation and preppy chic, offering a minimalist style that's enough to make a statement. Interested already?

Here's our ultimate look at men's tenniscore fashion, how to style the look, and the essential pieces to add to your wardrobe to perfect this sporty style trend.

All about Tenniscore style: What is it?

Tennis Core, aka tenniscore, represents a harmonious blend between tennis players' style and everyday fashion. It's a fusion of contemporary leisure trends with a touch of nostalgia.

You don't even have to take our word for it! The rise of #tenniscore on TikTok and Instagram has already turned into a lucrative retail triumph with brands such as United Colors of Benetton, Uniqlo, Polo Ralph Lauren, Miu Miu, JW Anderson, Gucci and Louis Vuitton taking over. have launched preppy collections, a suitable choice for sports. the trend.

Shreyas Chandra, the founder of Raceorbit, explains the sudden rise of the trend. He says: “As a designer inspired by the clean lines and timeless elegance of motor racing culture, I am drawn to the resurgence of the tenniscore aesthetic for men. It offers a refreshing change from overly casual trends, mixing classic sportswear with a modern, preppy vibe. This versatile look is perfect for various occasions, from casual outings to the office.

He adds: “The brand focuses on clean silhouettes and high-quality fabrics, like crisp white polo shirts in breathable cotton paired with slim chinos or fitted shorts. A timeless color palette of navy, beige and olive green provides the foundation.

How to Perfect Your Tenniscore Style

Image credit: Instagram/Benneton

1. Polo shirts and shorts

Ramprasad Sridharan, Chairman, Managing Director and Managing Director, United Colors of Benetton India believes in investing in polo shirts and shorts to amplify your tenniscore look.

He explains: “In tennis, polo brings back a feeling of tradition and refinement. Solid colors of Benetton's spring-summer 2024 polo reigns supreme, knowing that fashion choices in tennis clothing have been the must-haves this year. As well as being a fluid choice that everyone can choose and wear with key pieces from the SS'24 collection. Everyone can breathe new life into the classic pique polo, as it's a versatile must-have for every member of the family.

White sheets and shades are your best friends

The tenniscore aesthetic forces men to take the route of understated luxury. Embracing classic tennis fashion staples like polo shirts and fitted shorts is a quick way to achieve this aesthetic. It can be taken further by opting for a relaxed fit t-shirt, shorts and a nice pair of sneakers.

Tenniscore would also mean playing in shades of white to remain faithful to the heritage of the sport. Incorporate pieces that reflect the casual yet refined appeal of the sport. Additionally, pay attention to details and craftsmanship when selecting your attire. Look for high-quality fabrics and craftsmanship that ensure both comfort and style. Mix classic tennis basics with contemporary influences, adds Vivek Mishra, the head designer of Fetus.

To beat the summer heat, men can also opt for linen clothing. “Crisp white polo shirts paired with tailored chinos or relaxed linen pants create a clean base that can be easily accented with pops of color. Adding a classic baseball cap gives a sporty touch. This style is perfect for casual brunches, exploring the city, or even relaxed evenings. It may no longer be at its peak, but its core elements continue to retain an enduring appeal,” suggests Vasudev Prasad, the founder of Lost My Accent.

2. Favor accessories

Accessories are important to enhance your tennis-inspired style. Classic white sneakers, a cozy sweater or a lightweight jacket can add a touch of timeless charm. A simple watch or bracelet completes the look without being too flashy. The beauty of this style is that it can be adapted to different preferences. You can incorporate bolder colors and patterns or slightly looser shirts balanced with cuffed chinos, recommends Chandra.

3. Be adorned with jewelry

Tennis bracelets are the best way to include some bling in your tenniscore fashion looks. These bracelets come in a single line of diamonds and gemstones, creating a great contrast to your overall look.

Shweta Gupta, the founder of Jewels by Shweta also recommends experimenting with other types of bangles. She adds: “Jewelry can really elevate your tennis-inspired look. You can incorporate polished woven leather or braided cord bracelets, subtle signet rings or minimalist chain necklaces to add personality without overwhelming the clean lines. We even offer a polo-inspired necklace, a perfect conversation starter! Finally, a classic baseball cap and a timeless watch with sunglasses complete the look.

4. Tennis shoes to the rescue!

Is tenniscore still tenniscore without classic tennis shoes? Absolutely not!

Tennis is a classic sport and its influence on footwear and clothing is undeniable. Many modern sneakers have taken inspiration from classic tennis shoes, and it's easy to see why: They're so versatile that you can wear them with almost any fit. Classic white sneakers with tennis shorts and a polo shirt are the most classic tenniscore look for me.

If you want to go for a more statement look, you can try colorful accents like the Stan Smith Vegan White Green with neutral-colored chino shorts and a basic tee, thinks Mandeep Chopra, founder of Limited Edt.

Some style recommendations for your tennis-inspired fashion looks

1. Swarovski Matrix tennis bracelet

Tenniscore Mode
Image credit: Swarvoski

The contemporary unisex Matrix Tennis bracelet from Swarovski highlights black tones as the focal point of your style, with a ruthenium-plated setting adorned with round jet-colored stones. This bracelet comes in multiple color options including shades of pink, gold, rose gold, and white for you to choose from.

2. Ralph Lauren Polo Shirts

Image credit: Ralph Lauren

Make Ralph Lauren's iconic polo shirt your new best friend for a sporty look. The classic polo shirt can be worn with chinos or white linen shorts as well as white sneakers.

Pro tip: Opt for light tones like blue, yellow, white, teal and pink for your next polo shirts.

3. Adidas Stan Smith Sneakers

Tenniscore Mode
Image credit: Adidas

Adidas' classic Stan Smith shoes can be paired with a variety of looks and they will never go out of style! Consider pairing them with a knit cardigan or striped shirt as well as crisp white pants and you're ready to take over!

(Hero and feature image credit: Instagram/Adidas and IMDb/Challengers)




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