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Challengers is Jonathan Anderson's love letter to normal clothing

Challengers is Jonathan Anderson's love letter to normal clothing


Tashi pairs her Loewe cotton shirtdress with Chanel espadrilles when she's older and wears exclusively Cartier jewelry (despite her real role as a Bulgari ambassador). She applies Augustinus Bader cream to her body and wears a lot of camel cashmere. It's Tashi who tries to exert her dominance over everyone: she's a better tennis player, she's richer, she's more mature and she'd like you to know it. When she was young, she participated in Adidas campaigns, which our culture considers a symbol of the sports prodigy, the role model. She grew up and took on the role of coach after a career-ending injury. She officially trains her husband, Art (Faist), and has been training Art and Patrick romantically, platonically, and erotically since they first met.

What each man wants from her is different, however, and it's easy to see it through their clothing. Art is a good boy and wants to be told. He listens to Tashi and does what she wants. He wears good boy clothes: crisp white Uniqlo polo shirts on the field and navy zip-ups off-duty. Patrick, however, is shady, and what he wants from Tashi is both a challenger and someone who will put him in his place. He conjures up a Peter Pan who will never grow up playing mismatched leisure sports and drives a beat-up car despite his money.

These clothes, as normal as they are, are loaded with sexual tension, just like the rest of the film. Guadagnino's camera erotically caresses his stars' bodies, showcasing their muscles, absorbing every drop of sweat. Tashi goes braless in her cashmere sweaters, and Art finds a new polo shirt to change into and cling to his sweaty body between each set. As for Patrick, in his little sports shorts and the sports clothes he always wears, we can say that he smells, as a gay couple seduced in a hotel lobby also points out, the kind of perfume musky that some people really like, contrary to what people think. many would like to believe it. Art and Patrick wear worn cotton boxers as teenagers, which the former transforms into regular briefs as a grown man (and as an adult male). Challengers is Anderson's love letter to regular clothing, and I for one will never look at workout shorts the same way again.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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