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The 15 Best Dresses for Traveling, According to a Fashion Expert

The 15 Best Dresses for Traveling, According to a Fashion Expert
The 15 Best Dresses for Traveling, According to a Fashion Expert


Each element on this page was chosen by a Veranda editor. We may earn a commission on some of the items you choose to purchase.

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Best wrap dress

Abigail silk jersey mid-length wrap dress

Abigail silk jersey mid-length wrap dress

When a dress stands the test of time, it is sure to travel and the wrap dress is a perfect example. Quinlan says: “The wrap dress is great because it's easy.”

This style has been popular since the 1930s, but it truly experienced a renaissance in 1974 when Diane von Furstenberg began creating her version of the style. It has since become synonymous with the eponymous brand she created and is still sold 50 years later.

It's the versatility of this style that makes it a fan favorite. Quinlan further notes, “A wrap dress can go from day to night with no problem.”

If your travel plans include business meetings or a cocktail party, you'll want to easily slip one of these fabulous pieces into your carry-on.

About this dress:

Materials 100% Silk
Size Offers XXS to XXL

Best kaftan

Caftan Coat

Caftan Coat

Editor-in-Chief Steele Marcoux has an eye for design, but she also has an eye for fashion. Marcoux recently released this Julia Amory kaftan, perfect for travel and events.

Bold contrast threads on a sturdy 100% cotton base make this a fashion statement. Versatile enough for virtually any season, this dress offers styling flexibility. Roll up its sleeves to the wrists for a casual look and wear it with or without the belt depending on your preferences.

About this dress:

Materials 100% Cotton
Size Offers XS to XL

Best silk dress

Floral Dress

Floral Dress

When traveling, it's always important to have something fabulous to wear. And for Quinlan, silk is everything. “I love silk. Simple silk in clean silhouettes is super elegant and feminine,” she says. “If you want to make a bit of a splash at night in the summer, silk is the way to go. It's just an easy way to dress up.”

Even though this dress may be a little bold in its print, Saloni maintains a chic and sophisticated shape. The high neckline combined with the tapered waist is a breathtaking combination.

About this dress:

Materials 100% Silk
Size Offers United Kingdom 4 to 16 years old

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Our expert's choice

Caron Callahan Jocelyn Dress

Caron Callahan Jocelyn Dress

Available at her place Birmingham Shop, Quinlan is a big fan of Caron Callahan's holistic and thoughtful designs. The Jocelyn dress, with its loose shape that cinches with a single bow at the waist, has become Quinlan's go-to piece for her own travels.

“For me, the Caron Callahan dress is really the ultimate, because it's really, really comfortable, but it's chic,” Quinlan shares.

About this dress:

Materials 93% cotton 7% polyester
Size Offers XS to XL

Best little black dress

Tied cargo midi dress

Tied cargo midi dress

Another style you can find at her namesake boutique, Quinlan loves the cargo, cool-girl look this Find Me Now dress has to offer. She explains: “There is nothing more essential than a little black dress. Especially if it is in a material that you can wear during the day and dress up in the evening.”

Quinlan further notes that in a world where we love color, it's important not to overlook the classic look of a black dress.

About this dress:

Materials Cotton Blend
Size Offers XS/S to XL/XXL

Best Travel Day Dress

Ischia dress

Ischia dress

Longer, mid-calf dresses are the ideal choice for navigating planes, trains and automobiles. Quinlan explains that this length is ideal because it provides comfort during travel.

The effortless and casual California style of this Den dress is perfect not only for enjoying your vacation but also for traveling there. Plus, if you have plans right after your flight, you don't even need to change with this fabulous number.

About this dress:

Materials 100% Cotton
Size Offers XXS to XXL

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Best white dress

Off-white midi dress

Off-white midi dress

As mentioned, it's essential to pack a versatile dress that goes from day to night. It saves space in your suitcase, allowing you to bring more accessories and leaves room for any treasures you might find during your travels.

This white dress is just as ideal for a leisurely breakfast as it is for a lively dinner by the sea. Pair with espadrilles for a casual look.

About this dress:

Materials 65% Cotton 30% Lyocell 5% Polyester
Size Offers XXS to XL

Best shirt dress

Adavi stretch-linen shirt dress

Adavi stretch-linen shirt dress

In spring and fall, when you're not sure how many layers you might need, a shirt dress is always a good base. Wear it with a sweater, add a scarf, and pair with boots to create the perfect fall ensemble for exploring. Remove the layers and add a cute pair of sandals, and you've got yourself a sophisticated look for spring.

The thoughtful details of this piece make it a great transitional staple that will elevate your wardrobe beyond your travels.

About this dress:

Materials 55% Linen, 43% Viscose, 2% Elastane
Size Offers 00 to 16

Best material

Phoebe Prado Ditsy Dress

Phoebe Prado Ditsy Dress

Material is always important when it comes to choosing a dress that can travel well. Quinlan's favorite material for traveling is cotton, but she's also a big fan of silk and lightweight linen, especially in summer.

She says. “You can run a steam shower in your hotel bathroom and hang [the dress] in there and all kinds of wrinkles will disappear quickly.

This dress, made from a soft cotton and silk blend, offers the best of both worlds: the added silk gives a more luxurious feel to the cotton, which retains its shape well. Plus, it's incredibly lightweight, making it ideal for warmer climates

About this dress:

Materials Cotton Silk
Size Offers XS to L

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Best machine washable dress

Striped ribbed cotton-blend dress

Striped ribbed cotton-blend dress

When you're on the go during your travels, having clothes that can be thrown into the washer and dryer without worry is an absolute must. A dress like this one from Polo Ralph Lauren is a game changer. Machine washable, you'll love how easy this dress is and how much easier it will make your life.

About this dress:

Materials Modal, Cotton, Elastane
Size Offers XXS to XXL

The dress everything

Mid-length Marlowe dress

Mid-length Marlowe dress

Both casual and elegant, you can find a reason to wear this dress virtually anywhere you go. The more relaxed cotton blend allows for easy packing, and the low-rise waist and back detail make it perfect for a date night or garden party.

About this dress:

Materials 98% cotton, 2% elastane
Size Offers XS to XL

Even though basics like black and white are tried and true, there is something to be said for color. It adds a layer of brightness to your travel wardrobe and is a must-have in its own right.

Szane, the French brand that's been blowing up the internet lately, has deals perfect for travel. Simply put on one of the brand's dresses and adopt the chic French girl look.

About this dress:

Materials 100% organic cotton
Size Offers XS to XXL

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Best nap dress

The Ellie nap dress

The Ellie nap dress

In 2019, Hill House Home introduced the Nap Dress, which quickly became a global sensation. Nell Diamond, CEO and founder of the brand, designed this dress as a stylish yet comfortable option for everyday wear. The thoughtful design makes this dress a welcome travel companion.

“If you’re at the beach, I’m all for it,” says Quinlan. “You can wear it over your swimsuit and you can wear it to dinner with a pretty piece of jewelry.”

About this dress:

Materials 100% Cotton
Size Offers XXS to XXXXL

Best Shift Dress

Luisa straight dress

Luisa straight dress

A shift dress is always a good idea. We like this one for traveling because of its longer length, removable briefs, and eyelets. These elements modernize the classic change and make it worthy of the space in your suitcase

However, classic sieving is also an excellent option. Quinlan loves a linen A-line silhouette that hits just above the knee, something you probably already have in your wardrobe. It is completely timeless and will never go out of style.

About this dress:

Materials 100% OEKO-TEX 100 certified cotton
Size Offers XXS to XL

Best sporty dress

The polo dress

The polo dress

You never know when a tennis match, round of golf, or other impromptu activity might pop up, so having this dress on hand is essential. Its relaxed structure ensures it is suitable for a wide range of activities, from social gatherings to sporting events.

About this dress:

Materials 100% Cotton
Size Offers XS to XXL

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Meet the expert

gold line

MK Quinlan is a personal stylist and interior designer based in Birmingham, Alabama. She also owns it store of the same name in the Forest Park neighborhood of Birmingham.

Why trust VÉRANDA

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For over 35 years, VERANDA has been the authority on extraordinary design, outdoor living, arts and crafts, entertainment, travel and culture. Every product we feature is carefully selected by our discerning editors and industry experts. Through market research, experience and rigorous product testing, we only endorse the best.


Mary Alice Russell (she/her) is the Deputy Market Editor for VERANDA. She composes gift guides and stories on style, design, decoration, shopping, markets and trends. Currently trying to master the art of embroidery, Mary Alice loves creating, cooking, and discovering hidden gems like sea glass or the perfect chai latte.

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