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2 Italian Luxury Brands Debut in Houston's River Oaks District

2 Italian Luxury Brands Debut in Houston's River Oaks District


Sometimes a single pop-up is enough to inspire a fashion adventure. This month, Houstonians are treated to three can't-miss events. From jewelry to refined loungewear to a display of artistically styled vintage kimonos, here are the temporary gems to add to your calendar.

Camp Aspen

Camp Aspen's inaugural clothing line will debut at Tootsies May 15-18. The collection, named “Elegant by Nature,” will focus on women’s offerings including tank tops, fitted tees, cashmere travel sets, sherpa vests, quarter-zip sweaters and a bomber jacket. Letterman jackets provide everything needed for Texans who leave Houston in search of cooler weather each summer.

Camp Aspen is the brainchild of Houston sports entrepreneur Patrick Ryan, who was inspired by the Colorado destination. Now supervised by Maidie, Patrick's sister, the pop up will benefit At Bo's, the only free family grief support program of its kind in Houston. Available online mid-summer, each refined loungewear piece in the Camp Aspen collection will feature the brand's snow-leaf logo, representing the “juxtaposition of winter's frosty beauty and the promise of summer.”

Camp Aspen; May 15 to 18, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Tootsies, 2601 chemin Westheimer, 77098

The first Camp Aspen collection will debut at Tootsies May 15-18. Photo courtesy of Camp Aspen

Zulu kimono

To celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, Houston brand Kimono Zulu will showcase reimagined vintage Japanese kimonos at Neiman Marcus in the Galleria for a month. Local fashion designers and contemporary artists, including Sébastien “Mr. D 1987” Boileau, Gonzo247, Magpies & Peacocks, Soi-K and Rohan Whyte, among others, have incorporated their design sensibilities into vintage kimonos.

“Being invited to this special exhibition during AAPI Heritage Month comes full circle for me, and by shining a spotlight on our collaborative partners, we celebrate their talent and how it can blend beautifully with the art of kimono,” Kimono said. The Zulu founder, Tina Zulu.

Zulu kimono; from May 3 to 31; Neiman Marcus, Houston Galleria (level one); 2600 Post Oak Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77056

The kimono exhibition will be on view until May 31. Photo courtesy of Kimono Zulu

Le Sept Ouest Village

Houston native Camille Zarsky will appear at River Oaks with her jewelry collection, The Seven West Village. From May 10-12 at La Colombe d'Or Hotel in Montrose, shoppers can expect cutting-edge designs, iconic styles and one-of-a-kind pieces from renowned designers including Jenna Blake, Emily P. Wheeler , Lauren Rubinski and Nikos Koulis.

Zarsky, a lifelong jewelry collector, attributes her fascination with baubles to her jewelry-designer mother and her six aunts known in her family as Le Sette Sorelle (The Seven Sisters), the store's namesake.

This hometown pop-up holds special significance for Zarsky, who grew up in the Museum District when his mother was a curator at the Museum of Contemporary Art. It donates 10 percent of its sales to It's Houstona local non-profit dog rescue that helps seriously ill or injured dogs.

Le Sept Ouest Village; May 10 to 12, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Hotel La Colombe d’Or, 3410 boulevard Montrose, 77006

Seven West Village will appear from May 12 to May 12 at La Colombe d'Or with a superbly curated jewelry collection. Photo courtesy of The Seven West Village




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