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Savannah College of Art and Design Fall 2024 Ready-to-Wear Collection

Savannah College of Art and Design Fall 2024 Ready-to-Wear Collection


The Savannah College of Art and Design has a reputation for bringing fashion's liveliest people where they're least expected; a quaint and historic Southern town. What is Aurora James and Zerina Akers and industry insiders including VogueVirginia Smith, Bruce Pask of Neiman Marcus and PuckDoes Lauren Sherman do things together in Savannah, Georgia besides attending the annual SCAD student fashion show?

Former editor-in-chief Dirk Standen took over as dean of SCAD's fashion school in 2022. He brought new energy to the fashion department, putting his rolodex to profit to place SCAD students in front of personalities like Anna Sui, Raul Lopez de Luar. , Ludovic de Saint Sernin, Marnis Francesco Risso, LaQuan Smith and Hillary Taymour de Collina Strada, all of whom have joined panels or reviewed portfolios in the past year.

It can be isolating to study fashion in Savannah, far from the coveted fashion internships and bustling social life of New York. Educating students with unique perspectives, removed from outside influences, is one of SCAD's strengths, but its distance from America's fashion capital has often been seen as a chink in its armor, especially by his own students. (That was certainly the case when I was in the fashion program a few years ago.) Consider this gap now filled.

SCAD's Class of 2024 received the bulk of their fashion education in person, unlike pandemic-era graduates who were forced to learn and study online, and this was reflected in the technical achievements of their creations. Offering the best stitching for years were Peter Shonodawith its sculpted necklines and hanging shoulders on its jackets and evening wear, and Ben Callaghan, with its skillful exploration of form. Neither collection looked like student work. The path Eileen Barry incorporated functional flotation devices into his survival men's clothing was impressive, as was the surreal buoyancy of Sze Yau Ngher sinuous curtains and furniture-making skills of Ellie Byrdwhich transformed a functional chair piece into an overcoat.

SCAD has a strong Fibers department focused on textile development, making materialization a particular focus of student collections. Opening of the show Alexa WexlerPainted textured weaves and shaggy outerwear evoked a compelling spirit of angst and craftsmanship. Count GodfreyInnovative and extravagant digital reinterpretations of denim have given this humble material a rare new feel, and Sammy BoulangerThe magpie's fusion of textiles created surfaces that explored uncharted territories. Isabelle Ferrugia, Ran LuAnd Maggie FosterMeanwhile, everyone had fantastic offerings of knitwear ready to be sold in stores.




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