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Bella Hadid shines in a silver Dsquared dress at Cannes 2024 for Chopard

Bella Hadid shines in a silver Dsquared dress at Cannes 2024 for Chopard


Bella Hadid made a metallic statement at Chopard's “Once Upon a Time” event during the Cannes Film Festival on Tuesday.

The model sported a Dsquared style from the brand's fall 2006 collection, which featured a backless silhouette and jeweled straps. Hadid accessorized with silver peep-toe pumps and Chopard jewelry, including a diamond pendant necklace and matching earrings.

Bella Hadid attends the event

Bella Hadid attends Chopard's “Once Upon A Time” event during the Cannes Film Festival on May 21.

Getty Images

Stylist Molly Dickson, whose other A-list clients include Lana Del Rey and Sydney Sweeney, dressed Hadid for the occasion.

Hairstylist Bryce Scarlett styled Hadid's dark tresses into a sleek updo, while makeup artist Nadia Tayeh gave her beige eyeshadow and coral blush.

Earlier in the day, the Kin Euphorics co-founder stepped out in a vintage Versace mini dress with a square neckline and floral pattern. Hadid added Chanel pumps (also vintage), brown ovular sunglasses and diamond earrings.

Bella Hadid attends the event

Bella Hadid attends Chopard's “Once Upon A Time” event during the Cannes Film Festival on May 21.

Getty Images

Hadid made her return to the red carpet on Monday, attending the premiere of “The Apprentice” in a sheer backless Saint Laurent dress from the brand's fall 2024 collection.

Earlier this month, Hadid launched her perfume brand, 'Ôrebella. The former Charlotte Tilbury ambassador also selected vintage looks while promoting her new business.

First, she donned a nude Dior model for her appearance on “The Drew Barrymore Show,” designed by the brand's former creative director, John Galliano, in 2004. At the Ôrebella launch party, Hadid wore a corseted dress by Roberto Cavalli. decorated with a Chinoiserie pattern.

Bella Hadid attends the event

Bella Hadid attends Chopard's “Once Upon A Time” event during the Cannes Film Festival on May 21.

Getty Images

Hadid's film 'Ôrebella' was originally announced in February. In May, the model spoke to WWD about how she came up with her new product line.

“My journey into perfume was through visiting my farm with our lavender plants, and we have a lovely health food store down the street from me,” she said. “They have the craziest variety of essential oils, and I'm obsessed with putting together things you wouldn't normally smell.”




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