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Primary school students dress according to their dreams

Primary school students dress according to their dreams



FUTURE STARS: Cole Joseph, ten, left, and Aidan Khan, 11, both dressed in football gear, while Alejandre Montano, ten, and Caleb McIntyre, 11, right, wear pilot uniforms during career day Friday at the Presbyterian Primary Penal School.  PHOTO BY VENESSA MOHAMMED - Venessa Mohammed
FUTURE STARS: Cole Joseph, ten, left, and Aidan Khan, 11, both dressed in football gear, while Alejandre Montano, ten, and Caleb McIntyre, 11, right, wear pilot uniforms during career day Friday at the Presbyterian Primary Penal School. PHOTO BY VENESSA MOHAMMED – Venessa Mohammed

Students at Penal Presbyterian Elementary School are focused on achieving their dream jobs.

On Friday, the school held its first career day since the covid19 pandemic, and 391 students donned the uniforms they hope to one day wear in professional fields.

Among those students was 12-year-old Zachary Ragoonath Singh, a Grade 5 student. Wearing a white lab coat, safety glasses and a makeshift ID badge hanging from his neck, he hopes to one day become laboratory technician. It's a dream he's had since he was eight years old, following in his cousin's footsteps.

Jaws: Students look at the rows of sharp teeth in the jaws of a bull shark that were on display Friday at the Department of Agriculture's booth during career day at Presbyterian Correctional Elementary School. PHOTO BY VENESSA MOHAMMED – Venessa Mohammed

“I'm very interested in it and it's just my brain telling me to get into this kind of work,” he said. “You can experiment on different kinds of things. I want to dig deeper and see all kinds of things with it.”

He has the support of his parents and says he remains faithful to their advice.

“They say once you work hard, you'll be able to do anything you want to do, (so) I try to work hard.”

Fourth-grader Caleb McIntyre, 11, had his eyes glued to the sky. Dressed in a pilot's uniform with a captain's cap and signature aviator sunglasses, he hopes to see the world from above.

“It feels good when you're flying and you're in the air and… you look at all the clouds and you see the habitats.

Jernisha Thomas, 11, waves Friday as she sits on a TTPS motorcycle during career day at Presbyterian Correctional Elementary School. PHOTO BY VENESSA MOHAMMED – Venessa Mohammed

“I just feel like one day I want to be a pilot and I would love to be one when I grow up.”

He said he fell in love with flying during trips to Florida and Tobago.

Dressed in a gown, a toy stethoscope around her neck, a syringe and other medical instruments in her pockets, nine-year-old Felisha Lafon wants to become a veterinarian.

“I love animals and I love helping them,” she said.

Having two dogs, Precious and Felix, and a rabbit, Cloud, as pets, she said she enjoys taking care of them.

To help equip students with knowledge of their respective career fields, the school asked 32 organizations and professionals to set up booths.

Among them were people representing chefs, police, defense forces, firefighters, beekeepers, makeup artists, optometrists, psychologists and jewelers.

Traffic officers Mr. Boodoo, left, Ms. Adams and Ms. Levine answer questions during career day at Penal Presbyterian Elementary School on Friday. PHOTO BY VENESSA MOHAMMED – Venessa Mohammed

Principal Lynda Nandlal said the career day, titled Today's Passport to the Future, was an initiative in line with the Ministry of Education's cultural transformation effort. She said it was the third such event organized by the school.

“We give children a direction, a path to motivate them to pursue their dreams from a young age,” she said. “It’s a way to open their minds and make children understand, from a very young age, the direction they want to take.”

Parents were invited to attend the career day in the afternoon so that they too could benefit from advice to help their children achieve their dreams.




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