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Fashion and festivities: what to expect at the 2024 Belmont Stakes

Fashion and festivities: what to expect at the 2024 Belmont Stakes
Fashion and festivities: what to expect at the 2024 Belmont Stakes > News

Published: Thu May 30, 2024

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Are you excited for the Belmont Stakes this June 8, 2024? If you didn't know, the Belmont Stakes is much more than horse racing; it also has value for the fashion and festivities you can participate in before, during and after the race.

The Belmont Stakes is the perfect opportunity to show off your style at Saratoga Racetrack. Be sure to keep reading to find out how to dress and what festivities you can enjoy with other horse racing enthusiasts.

Fashion at the Belmont Stakes

Immerse yourself in the rich traditions of the Belmont Stakes by following dress codes and fashion tips.

women's fashion

While attending the Belmont Stakes race day, many women, even at its inauguration, wore stylish summer dresses and jumpsuits with vibrant summer patterns and hues due to the warm weather while in New York . Despite the weather during the race, spectators and visitors are not allowed to wear shorts or short-sleeved shirts.

  • Colorful Outfits – Female horse racing fans are encouraged to wear brightly colored dresses, which can also help you stand out in the crowd. Pink is a popular color at the Kentucky Derby, and that means fashion-conscious people won't wear the same color during the second and third legs of the Triple Crown. But know that yellow is still a popular choice for both genders because it can make them stand out from the crowd.
  • Exceptional Accessorizing – One of the most important factors to consider when putting together an outfit is accessories. Accessories make up an outfit, especially for an important event like the Belmont Stakes. One of the most common accessories is the hat; the bigger the better! Wearing hats can also kill two birds with one stone, as they can give women shade from the sun, ensuring that their heads are not too hot when looking at the horses.

Men's fashion

Men's fashion ranges from the classic casual look to the chic gentleman who wears tuxedos at the racetrack. You should be aware that there are certain areas of racetracks that you cannot enter and areas where you can wear your clothing.

  • The Backyard Look – For this look, wear a T-shirt, khaki polo shirts and, before it's banned, shorts, comfortable shoes, sunglasses and a hat or fedora (optional). It is particularly suitable for the backyard, apron, front or grandstand. These are the places where you can be near the horses and wear a straw hat or fedora.
  • The Classy Gentleman – This look is ideal for dressing rooms, clubhouses, upscale hospitality areas, winner's circle and the venues mentioned above. You can open many doors by wearing a jacket, blazer, smart pants, belt and dress shoes, sunglasses and fats like Panama or Fedoras – a true gentleman. A well-fitted jacket that highlights the summer vibe with lighter or vibrant tones and fabrics. You can add elegant touches by wearing trendy pocket squares, hats and belts.

Belmont Stakes festivities

As previously mentioned, there are plenty of things to do at the Belmont Stakes, such as pre-race activities, eating and drinking food and drinks, and watching the entertainment. If you can watch the top contenders this season, you can also try betting on them at the tracks or online. You would just need to find an online bookmaker like which gives bonuses and rewards to players even when they first register.

Wagering is a tradition at Belmont Stakes. This makes the match more exciting and ensures spectators are laser-focused on the race and the horses.

One of the festivities you can attend at the Belmont Stakes is the post-parade, which takes place after the races, and there is a winner. The horses paraded with the theme song Theme from New York, New York. It is the parade song from 2011 to present. It's like how other Triple Crown races use My Old Kentucky Home for the Kentucky Derby and Maryland, My Maryland for the second leg.

After the races, you can enjoy various food, drinks and entertainment. In 2011, the official drink also changed from Belmont Breeze to the now known official drink Belmont Jewel. It is a drink that you can drink during races or whenever you want. You can also recreate it at home if you choose to watch the race at home; all you will need is the following:

  • 1 ounce of bourbon whiskey
  • 2 ounces of lemonade
  • 1 ounce pomegranate juice
  • Orange zest, lemon wedge or cherry for garnish

Final Thoughts

Fashion and festivities are a big factor in the Run For The Carnations, even if you change race locations. You can do various things while wearing your brightly colored clothes and hat. It's no wonder that for this prestigious race, many famous celebrities and politicians have purchased tickets to see the horses in person for many years.

If you want to be part of this tradition, be sure to purchase your tickets to watch the New York game or invite your friends to a marathon run.

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