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DeChambeau wins second US Open title in dramatic fashion at Pinehurst – ESPN 98.1 FM

DeChambeau wins second US Open title in dramatic fashion at Pinehurst – ESPN 98.1 FM


PINEHURST, North Carolina — Bryson DeChambeau is once again on top of the golf world, winning the 124th U.S. Open at No. 2 Pinehurst to earn his second U.S. Open title on Sunday. DeChambeau outlasted Rory McIlroy, who suffered another major championship heartbreak.

I wanted to make this one, especially in such a special place that means so much to me, SMU, my dad, what Payne [Stewart] meant for him, the 1000th USGA championship. Stack them at the top, said DeChambeau, who shot a 71 in the final round to finish at 6-under-par 274 for the tournament, one better than McIlroy. It's a dream come true.

Twenty-five years after Stewart's memorable victory at Pinehurst, Dechambeau had to make par on the 72nd hole to claim victory. After shooting left into the native area and under a tree, he had to hit into the right fairway bunker. With a 55 meter bunker shot [a golfer’s worst nightmare] To a back slot, DeChambeau hit what he called the best shot of his life, knocking it to four feet and sinking the putt for the win.

DeChambeau, winner of the 2020 US Open at Winged Foot, held off a charging McIlroy, who started the day with a three-shot lead and took the lead at the 12th hole after a stretch of four birdies in five holes. McIlroy would bogey three of his final four holes, including missing two three-foot putts on the 16th and 18th holes for par to continue his 10-year major drought.

The roars of patrons all around propelled Rory and Bryson into a final confrontation that will go down in history.

These fans really helped me get out there today. Even when things weren't going well, I was just looking at the screen over there, I didn't have anything there, I didn't even have to try to do that. But you know me ; I don't play boring golf, DeChambeau said. Again, even though I hit it in the bunker, the fans are still chanting my name. So that inspired me to get this one up and down.

Rory McIlroy missed two crucial putts down the stretch, including a 3-foot putt on 18 that opened the door to DeChambeau's victory. (Ashleigh Lucas/WRUF)

The amateur champion

Neal Shipley won the top amateur title at this year's US Open. Shipley became the first amateur to win the low-am title at the Masters and US Open since Viktor Hovland accomplished it in 2019.

It's been wild, said Shipley, who plays collegiately at Ohio State. This is something I didn't think was possible maybe three or four years ago, and to accomplish all of this has been nothing short of phenomenal. What a dream, really, as an amateur, to do everything I've done. I think I've ticked all the boxes now.

Heading into the final round, the field's two lowest amateurs, Shipley and Florida State's Luke Clanton, were tied at 4 over par for the week, and the duo played together in a match play type situation in the final round to see who would win the low-am title.

After going back and forth throughout the round, the two found themselves tied at 6 over par, heading into the difficult 16th hole. After a 331-yard drive, Shipley hit a 209-yard iron shot, stuck it to 5 feet and sank the birdie putt.

Clanton entered the final hole in one ahead of Shipley, and with his second shot from the right native area, Clanton nearly sent the stands on the 18th hole into a frenzy with a near-eagle hole. He would then miss the birdie putt, sealing Shipley's fate as medalist with a low am.

I played good golf,” Clanton said. “Congratulations to Neal Shipley on another great week and competing in the low-am and low-am Masters here. It's great to see.

Clanton and Shipley were among the 16 amateurs present, of which only three were selected. Another college golfer, UF sophomore Parker Bell, missed the cut by two strokes, shooting 7 over par for the week.

Alligators on the ground

After Bell was removed, Billy Horschel was the only Gator left on the field. Horschel entered the final round at 4 over par for the tournament and had a tough Sunday at Pinehurst. Horschel shot a 40 on the front nine and never recovered, finishing the day with a 4-over-par round of 74. Horschel finished in T41 at 8 over for the championship.

Big movers

Three players shot rounds of 3-under-par 67 today, putting them all in the Top 10.

Tony Finau started the day in the Top 10 and finished the tournament in T3 with Patrick Cantlay, equaling his best result in a major championship.

I was really proud of how I held up all week, especially how I played today,” Finau said. I thought the back nine was great. To finish my first nine, yes, I was proud of the way I fought.

Sam Burns worked his way into the Top 10 with his round, finishing T9. Burns started the day at 3 over par and played bogey-free golf all the way to the clubhouse to post his best major championship result of his career.

Yes, I enjoyed playing on this golf course. I thought it was an extremely fair setup. Obviously, this is extremely difficult. But it's right there in front of you, Burns said. But yeah, it was a good week.

Russell Henley also worked his way into the Top 10 with his round today, finishing in T7 with PGA Championship winner Xander Schauffele. A bogey on the 72nd hole cost him a T6 with Hideki Matsuyama. This is Henley's second-best finish in a major behind his T4 at the 2023 Masters.

I putted well. I made a lot of great saves,” Henley said. I just felt like my chipping was really good on the back nine. I made some good birdie putts from 15 to 20 feet. Made a lot of putts inside 10 feet. Really happy.




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