Discovering fashion's remarkable entrance at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games
Louis Vuitton trunks protecting medals and torches, Berluti, Ralph Lauren and Stella Jean uniforms: luxury fashion takes center stage at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.
Fashion and sport have always been closely linked, and the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games have highlighted just how closely intertwined these two worlds are. Even before the Games began, the City of Lights had been making headlines for its fashion-forward approach to the Olympic Games, led by luxury group LVMH. As a premium partner of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, its multifaceted partnership aims to showcase the best of French know-how on a global scale. The sponsorship, estimated at €150 million, will see the group’s most prestigious brands working in various capacities throughout the event, starting with a star-studded celebration on the eve of the Opening Ceremony. As a “prelude to the Olympics,” LVMH CEO Bernard Arnault, Comcast NBCUniversal CEO Brian Roberts, Grammy winner and Louis Vuitton Homme creative director Pharrell Williams and Anna Wintour will join forces to welcome famous names to the Frank Gehry-designed Louis Vuitton Foundation. Louis Vuitton trunks will house the medals and torches, while Chaumet has designed the bronze, silver and gold medals. Elsewhere, local brands are designing the uniforms for their countries’ teams. “Fashion and sport have always been interconnected. This relationship became even more evident with the rise of urban, everyday and chic sportswear in the 2000s, integrating athletic elements into modern fashion,” the Moroccan designer explains. Ali Drissiwho designed the outfits that the Moroccan team will wear at the opening ceremony of this year's Olympic Games. With just days to go until the Olympics, it's clear that Paris is marking a new chapter in the history of sport, with a focus on fashion.
Berluti, another LVMH brand, will create the outfits that the French athletes will wear at the Opening Ceremony along the Seine. Founded in 1895, the historic luxury brand is known for its iconic leather goods, bespoke ready-to-wear and signature patina. For this momentous occasion, the brand is creating 1,500 head-to-toe outfits for the French team, with elegance and comfort in mind, and with a focus on different body shapes. Designed in France and made in Italy, under the creative direction of Carine Roitnfeld, the outfits will showcase nearly 130 years of exceptional French craftsmanship, as well as the athletes and its ambassadors. “The announcement of LVMH’s partnership for this year’s Games highlights the powerful intersection between luxury fashion and sport. This collaboration inspired artisans to revitalize urban culture, creating a new fashion tapestry accessible to the world,” adds the Saudi designer. Noura Sulaiman.
Chaumet also celebrated a major victory by becoming the first jeweler in Olympic history to design these medals. Representing more than two centuries of heritage, the medals immortalize the City of Light by using pieces of iron from the Eiffel Tower to create the hexagon at the center of the medal. The medals will be presented on Louis Vuitton trays featuring the brand’s iconic Damier canvas print. Dior has also partnered with a number of athletes, including French Paralympic swimmer Alex Portal and Jamaican sprinter Elaine Thompson-Herah, who will serve as brand ambassadors.
Outside of France, local designers have designed the uniforms for several national teams. The U.S. team was designed by Ralph Lauren (along with other designers)—who has been dressing the team since 2008—and will one day reference the brand’s vision of America. Meanwhile, the Mongolian team’s much-publicized uniforms, designed by couture brand Michel et Amazonka, feature vests with intricately embroidered cultural motifs. According to the designers, each uniform took 20 hours to complete. Lululemon designed the Canadian team’s red uniforms, featuring a striking maple leaf patch print on the jackets. For fashion brands, creating their country’s Olympic uniform becomes a matter of pride and national identity as they showcase their country’s unique cultural heritage.
Closer to home, the UAE team uniform was designed by Rawdha Al Shaafar, primarily in red and white; the white symbolises strength and purity, and the red Arabic text represents courage. When Drissi received the brief from the Moroccan National Olympic Committee (CNOM), his aim was to incorporate national symbols, such as the star on the flag and the exact Pantone colour of the Moroccan Sahara. “Historically, our athletes have worn bespoke outfits, reflecting a universal spirit. We continued this tradition by adding several distinct elements such as the lining of the blazer jacket which bears the names of our champions and athletes as a tribute. For the sneakers, we collaborated with local artist and illustrator Rebel Spirit, who created the illustrations on them,” says Drissi. The Olympics are one of the most watched events in the world, giving fashion brands unprecedented global exposure. Uniform design allows designers to reach a massive and diverse audience, increasing their visibility. “Team uniforms are my favorite fashion moment, with several designers elevating creativity and cultural representation to showcase their athletes on the world stage. “My favorites include Haiti’s uniforms designed by Haitian-Italian designer Stella Jean,” says Sulaiman.
Historically, sports have always influenced fashion. Consider the polo shirt invented by French tennis player René Lacoste. Designed as a more comfortable alternative to the long-sleeved T-shirt worn on the tennis court, his version eventually made its way into mainstream fashion and is still worn today. “The Lacoste polo shirt is a perfect example of this: it has become a lifestyle staple and represents much more than just sports. Elements of pop culture have helped make these iconoclasts symbols of leisure for the rich and famous while remaining accessible and relatable,” says fashion commentator Osama Chabbi. The sporting uniform has been regularly reinterpreted by designers around the world, including Arab ones. Sulaiman’s latest line, a collection of luxury sportswear for men and women, also draws inspiration from tennis. “I was particularly inspired by the emergence of tailored pieces in sports collections.” “I believe athletic luxury is now elevated to a new level, where function, fabric and form are transforming the way fashion is consumed, both on and off the court. The Sulaiman 25′ Tennis collection expresses this interest and transformation,” the designer explains.
Other notable references include the tracksuits designed by Le Coq Sportif in 1939, which entered popular culture in the 1970s, such as Bruce Lee’s red tracksuit in the TV series Longstreet. Since then, the silhouette has been reinterpreted over the decades, reaching its peak in the 2000s with Juicy Couture’s iconic velour versions, worn by Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton. Sneakers, too, have transcended their athletic origins, becoming a staple of the haute couture runway and an everyday wardrobe staple. Who can forget Dior’s Fusion sneaker from the Raf Simons era? The sneaker, adorned with delicate sequined flowers juxtaposed with functional mesh, was paired with haute couture dresses for the Spring/Summer 2014 couture show and immediately made waves in the fashion world. Brands like Lululemon and Alo have made it cool to wear yoga pants/leggings outside of the gym. The last decade has also seen many collaborations between sportswear brands and luxury brands, including Miu Miu with New Balance, Stella McCartney with Adidas, and most recently, Jacquemus and Nike. Such collaborations perfectly capture the zeitgeist, such as the growing popularity of streetwear, and appeal to a diverse age group that loves both fashion and function.
With this long-standing association in mind, it’s no surprise to see fashion’s obsession with sport spill over into the Paris Olympics in new and unexpected ways. Ultimately, the two will always go hand in hand. The upcoming Games are not only a celebration of athletic prowess, but also a spectacular display of artistic expression. Whether through the design of medals, ceremonial objects or uniforms, the Games will have a lasting impact, inspiring future collaborations and setting new standards for fashion and sport.
Read next: Before the Games begin, Pharrell Williams, Charlize Theron, Serena Williams, Rosalía and Omar Sy will co-host a prelude to the Olympics
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