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10 LGBTQ + Fashion Brands to Support for Pride Month


10 incredible LGBTQ + fashion brands to support

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Happy Pride month! While there are many celebrations throughout the month of June, it is important to remember and support the brands and businesses owned and operated by Members of the LGBTQ + community all year.

We’ve put together 10 style brands that represent their respective communities. Some even regularly support organizations dedicated to bringing positive change to the world, such as Goodnet, which is a global network that connects people interested in activism. Besides, who doesn’t want to be a responsible and avant-garde consumer ?! This year, let your style speak for you with pieces from these LGBTQ +-owned retailers that allow your personality to shine.

1. Stuzo

Ruby Rose, Tiffany Haddish, Jada Pinkett Smith and Spike Lee are just a few celebrities who have been seen wearing Stuzo clothes.

Stuzo has almost everything you could possibly need in one place, from face masks and shirts to joggers and candles. The brand owned by women and blacks was created as a way for people to wear quality urban fashion without judgment. “Our pieces are genderless as we prefer to call them because the clothes don’t have organs the last time we checked,” Stuzo said. “We are inspired by love, people and life.” Celebrities Tiffany Haddish and Ruby Rose are big fans of the brand and what it stands for. Plus, you can currently get 15% off your purchase of $ 20 or more for Pride Month.

Shop Stuzo

2. Jonny Cota

Jonny Cota offers unforgettable avant-garde, performance art fashion.

Jonny Cota started work in the circus but quickly found his vocation as a costume designer. It’s no surprise that her clothes have been seen by international fashion influencers, including Rihanna and Janet Jackson.

Her most popular pieces include luxury woolen outerwear, sleek mini dresses and unisex overalls that strike a balance between high fashion and everyday streetwear. The clothes are available in men’s and women’s sizes XS to XXL.

Shop Jonny Cota

3. Coco and Breezy glasses

These Coco and Breezy glasses are not your average shade.

Designer twins Corianna and Brianna Dotson were redefining glasses since 2009 with their New York-based brand. The designers are best known for creating the third eye sunglasses, which were famous worn by the late singer Prince. You can buy round, cat eye, square, and aviator styles in regular eyeglasses and sunglasses.

Buy Coco and Breezy glasses

4. tomboy

Everyone deserves to be confident in their underwear.

Fashionable and comfortable underwear should be for everyone. Creators and married couple Fran Dunaway and Naomi Gonzalez, who both describe themselves as tomboys, acknowledged there was a need for more. bras and underwear that take gender and height into account.

TomboyX offers expanded sizes in all of its underwear styles, including waterproof underwear. One of our senior writers, Shayna Murphy, recently tried the brand and loves the support and coverage that the racerback bra offers. She says it was one of the first underwear that gave her confidence in her body.

Buy TomboyX

5. Boyfriend socks

Pal socks are the definition of happy feet.

Hannah Lavon started her career as a designer making mittens. However, she soon realized that seasonal designs gave her a lot of downtime, which is how she envisioned it. Socks.

These colorful and funky socks are loved for their cozy warmth and cozy softness. Pal Socks supports a variety of charitable campaigns, as well as organizations such as the aforementioned Goodnet, a media platform designed to help others activate their kindness.

Buy Pal socks

6. Automatic gold

Accessories where everyone can shine.

Whether it’s earrings, rings, anklets or necklaces, this exquisite jewelry line has a piece that fits almost any human. If you are looking for large rings or necklaces, Automic Gold is for you.

The brand, which is one of our favorite places to buy engagement rings online, continues to develop her community and her fans by using ordinary people to model her jewelry. You’ll never find a sale here, but there’s a reason for it: It prides itself on offering affordable pieces all year round, starting at $ 45.

Buy automatic gold

7. Homochats

There aren't many more colors than the Homocats pieces.

Brooklyn designer J. Morrison doesn’t hesitate to create fashion based on what he believes in. Through his folk art magazine and funny cat clothes, Morrison campaigns against homophobia. Morrison also creates prints and visual art, in an effort to help combat phobias and negative stereotypes.

At Homocats you’ll find hoodies, tank tops, underwear and more, all featuring Morrison’s neon abstract patterns in every color of the rainbow. Most of her pieces are available in unisex sizes XS to XL.

Buy homocats

8. Chromat

Avant-garde fashion that goes from the runway to the beach.

When former architect and now fashion designer Becca McCharen-Tran started Chromat, she knew she wanted to use cutting edge designs to create styles for all bodies. Superstars Beyonce and Nicki Minaj have both worn Chromat on tour and the brand has been making waves for having plus-size models during fashion week. At Chromat you can buy non sexist swimwear, T-shirts and hoodies, all in gender-neutral sizes from XXS to XL. There is also a selection of Reebok shoes and goggles.

Buy chromate

9. A tribe called Queer

This gender-neutral brand will make your pride celebrations epic.

Celebrate your individuality with this non-sexist garment that will make you proud. A Tribe Called Queer is not only a clothing line, but also offers a podcast and magazine. Founder Sabine Maxine Lopez created this multidisciplinary brand to empower people to make a bold statement through their fashion choices. The brand offers t-shirts and pins with Pride slogans, such as “They / Them / Theirs” and “All Power To All The People”.

Buy a tribe called Queer

10. Telfar

Telfar accessories are where they are.

Telfar, founded by designer Telfar Clemens, is often praised for its luxurious appearance and affordability. In addition to track ready clothing including flashy t-shirts, beanies and moccasins, Telfar makes unisex bags that you can use for your daily commute or travel, leisure. The brand even has a collaboration with Converse, which offers sporty shirts and matching Chuck Taylor sneakers.

Shop Telfar

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Prices were correct at the time of this article’s publication, but may change over time.

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