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Australia’s most popular men’s haircuts in 2021, experts say


This is Men’s Health Week in Australia and what better time to look at the country’s most popular haircuts for 2021. Rather than pulling these haircuts out of a hat, we reached out to some of Australia’s most respected barbers to see what the men ask.

Men are no longer expected to wear short hairstyles, as everything from a trendy cut to luscious locks that fall well below the shoulders is commonplace in modern society. Australian men, in particular, might be seen to be in a world of their own when it comes to interesting and unique hairstyles, with the mullet – and even the dreaded skull – being hairstyles that have been exported to other countries.

We’re also a nation that likes to stay on trend as much as possible, keeping up to date with the latest looks to make sure we’re never “too last season”. With that in mind, DMARGE reached out to some of the top barbershops in the country to find out what the most popular haircuts for Australian men are in 2021.

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# 1 Skin Fade Crop

Innit, damn it.

Trent Pridmore, Founder and CEO of The barber of the Emporium, which has three stores in Brisbane and one in Bondi Beach, has noticed slightly different trends from its customers. One of the most popular haircuts for men he’s seen is the skin fade crop, an entirely modern haircut if there is one.

Discolored skin, as the name suggests, is one that exposes a fair amount of skin on the side of the head, with just a short hairstyle – the crop – on the top of the head. If you want to emulate this cut yourself, Trent says that “for a skin fade as short as possible on the sides, blended into a 1, and with a textured crop on top.”

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And as we all know, we can never completely recreate the look the barber gives us when we’re at home, but to get as close as possible, Trent says to apply “a matte clay type product on the hair. towel-dried hair and work with your hands until you are satisfied with the result.

“In dry hair (you will probably need a blow dryer), use a texturizing powder and again, work with your hands until you are satisfied.”

# 2 The gentleman’s cut

Good manners make a man

A smooth, suave haircut, the Gentleman’s Cut, as it’s called, is one we suspect many downtown workers are likely to want to embrace for its sophisticated yet sleek nature, which can transport you from the boardroom. at the bar.

For this cut, Trent says to ask for a “fade of a 1 on the back and sides, blended into a side part. Push it up and back and side over top.”

“We love to thin out the hair [in the shop] rather than leaving thick, square lines so that they grow more naturally.

“For styling at home, use a matte pomade cream on towel-dried hair and comb it where you want it.”

# 3 smooth back

Jonah Hill is a recent gummed back specialist and your everyday man

Another hairstyle favored by young professionals is the smooth back. High-gloss hairstyle, it also has its place in the corporate workspace as well as in more casual contexts. You will need a good length of hair to achieve a really successful smooth hairstyle, so make sure you have the patience to grow it out if it’s new to you.

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When at the barber, Trent says to ask for “short, pushed back and sides on top.” And for styling at home, apply your favorite pomade to towel-dried hair and comb in place, but for a more natural look, use your fingers instead.

# 4 Classic Scissor Cutter

Chris Pine is known for his sensible scissor cut. Mom approved.

They are called classics for a reason. A scissor cut is so timeless because it forces the barber to go back to basics, before the invention of the hair clipper, and simply wield a pair of scissors to work its magic.

Trent adds that a classic scissor cut is “similar to the men’s cut, but is kept a bit longer and uses scissors for a longer, more textured look that feels more natural and softer.” Thinning the hair here definitely makes a difference for the better. “

“To style at home, apply a conditioning cream to towel-dried hair, or you can apply a texture spray first, dry your hair lightly and then apply the cream. Then, simply style with your hands until you are satisfied with the result.

Nathan Jancuaskas, founder of Men’s business adds that he and his team have also noticed “a lot more emphasis on scissor work rather than skin discolorations”, with some classic short hairstyles proving particularly popular, including “French cuts and Caesar cuts “.

# 5 Mule Mohawk

Straya ‘

Finally, this is Australia after all, so it’s no surprise that a mullet is on a list of the most popular haircuts. For Trent and his team, he says “we like to try and keep them a bit more upscale rather than full bogan, so ask for a 4/5 on the top and sides, with a tight burst fade to the sides.”

“For a more polished look, ask for the back to be tapered.”

As far as styling goes, Trent asks us, “Does this really matter to the mullet lover?” “

“Seriously, if you see your mom for a Sunday roast, use texturizing powder in dry hair and style your hair with your hands so that at least you look like you’ve made an effort.”

Nathan adds that Men’s Biz has also “seen a preference for longer styles with guys coming out of lockdown or unable to get their hair cut last year, and taking advantage of the extra length.

These longer haircuts include “mullet inspired looks, curtain hairstyles, faux hawks, pompadours and quiffs.”

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