Boris Johnson Honeymoon in Portugal and the question of quarantine
Travel restrictions which still prevent UK residents from making short trips abroad without worrying about the quarantine requirement on their return have inspired a lot of conversations online lately, especially after the announces that the Prime Minister of the country is spending his honeymoon in Portugal.
My buddy is in Portugal now and the Portuguese media have published pictures of Boris Johnson and his wife tonight for a meal and a few drinks. But NO English media reports it here !! WHY?!!!
Will he quarantine the house that is FULL of MPs and Downing Street workers?
Danny Miller (@DannyBMiller) June 26, 2021
Even though no official report has been released on this so far, many British social media commentators have questioned whether their prime minister is actually spending his honeymoon in Portugal, a country his government has listed on the orange list of countries of which UK residents are notified. to avoid during the trip.
WTF is Johnson in Portugal anyway. Didn’t he tell us that we shouldn’t go to the Amber Countries only if it is really necessary?
And how does he find the time to self-quarantine for 2 weeks upon his return?
He is supposed to lead the *#ing country!David #UBI #ProEU #FBPE #RULEOFLAW (@Snyberwiz) June 28, 2021
Yes @BorisJohnson fails to self-quarantine when he returns from his happy amber-rated Portugal, so no one else should. Keep in mind that he has personally advised against all non-essential travel.
It still smacks of a rule for the elite and another for us, the plebs …Howard Park #FBPE #FBPA 3.5% #FBPR (@parkcommunicate) June 27, 2021
Travel to orange list countries as Portugal would require returnees to self-quarantine for at least 10 days before they can resume normal activities.
Yet the news of Johnson’s honeymoon sparked angry reactions among netizens who doubted he would be quarantined upon his return, as other ordinary citizens would demand.
Meanwhile, other users posted photos showing him near the Checkers, which is the country home of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, suggesting that if he had been rumored to have spent his honeymoon in Portugal it was “reportedly happened earlier this month, which could also mean that he did not quarantine according to the laws.”
Johnson hasmarried to his fiancee Carrie Johnson in a private ceremony on May 29, 2021.
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