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Jokowi rejects Luhut’s proposal for an active military placement in the ministry

Jokowi rejects Luhut’s proposal for an active military placement in the ministry



TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – President Joko Widodo or Jokowi rejected Coordinating Minister of Maritime Affairs Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan’s suggestion to revise the TNI law so that active officers of TNI and Polri can serve in institutional ministries. He stressed that there was no urgent need for this placement.

“I see the need is not urgent,” he said briefly while reviewing the early maturing coconut plantation in Sanggang village, Bulu district, Sukoharjo regency, Java province. central, Thursday, August 11, 2022.

Previously, this proposal was expressed Luhut at the National Gathering of the Association of Retired Armies of the Army (TNI AD) in Sentul, Bogor Regency on Friday, August 5, 2022. the TNI is awarded to a ministry/institution upon request of the institution for approval of the president,” Luhut said.

During the event, Luhut said that the TNI law currently limits the role of soldiers in the ministry. He gave an example of positions in his own ministry that the army could not fill, so he had to Revision of the TNI law expand the role of TNI officers.

Long before, Luhut had confirmed the discussion of the planned revision of the TNI Act in his ministry on Tuesday, May 22, 2018. At this time, however, Luhut pointed out that the discussion was related to the maritime sector which could be managed by Navy officers.

“That’s why we are adding maritime in the coordination ministry of maritime affairs, active officers can also enter. Because there are many areas that can be handled by naval officers,” Luhut told the Palace of State, in Jakarta, Wednesday, May 23, 2018.

Luhut admitted that he was surprised that the discussion on the revision of the TNI law in his ministry had become a stage. Because, he said, his ministry had coordinated with Commission I. understands the sea,” he said.

Then the proposal was again revealed by Luhut this time. Before being rejected by Jokowi, civil society also criticized him. The Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence or KontraS criticized Luhut for discussing revising the TNI law to regulate the placement of soldiers in ministerial positions.

KontraS considers this proposal to be very problematic, as it goes against the spirit of military professionalism which obliges the TNI to focus on defense tasks, as required by the constitution. Moreover, the placement of the TNI in other ministries or civil positions shows that the agenda of restoring the values ​​of the New Order has become more explicit.

“We find that the effort to place the TNI back in civilian positions shows a managerial failure in identifying problems within the institution,” KontraS coordinator Fatia Maulidiyanti said in a written statement. received TempoMonday, August 8, 2022.

According to him, the TNI has been stuck for years in the discourse of placing active officers in various civilian positions. KontraS said this continues to be done as a shortcut to solving various institutional issues, such as the buildup in the number of officers non-employment. Instead of conducting a thorough assessment and targeting the root of the problem, the discourse to turn on the double duty tap of TNI continues to be produced.

“We are concerned that allowing the TNI to hold civilian positions, including one in the ministry, creates a lack of professionalism, especially in the determination of positions. In effect, the mechanism is no longer focused on a person’s quality under a merit system, but rather on their proximity or ‘power’,” he said.

Also read: TNI law in Prolegnas, Kontras recalls violated implementations




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