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Donald Trump holds steady lead in Iowa despite recent DeSantis visit: Poll

Donald Trump holds steady lead in Iowa despite recent DeSantis visit: Poll


Former President Donald Trump holds a steady lead in Iowa despite a revolving door of visits and campaign events in the nation’s first party state from several 2024 Republican candidates.

An Emerson College Polling survey found Trump held a 42-point lead over Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) with 62% of the vote. DeSantis had 20% of the vote. The survey was conducted May 19-22 just days before Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) and DeSantis kick off their presidential campaigns on Monday and Wednesday, respectively.


The base of former presidents continues to be made up of voters under 35: 75% support Trump, and voters without a college degree: 70% support Trump. Support for DeSantiss is highest among voters with postgraduate degrees, with 29% support, still trailing Trump by 37% with this group,” said Spencer Kimball, executive director of Emerson College Polling.

The poll results come after Trump and DeSantis visited Hawkeye State in recent weeks. The couple was supposed to hold dueling events on May 13, but Trump’s event in Des Moines was canceled due to a tornado watch in the area.

DeSantis walked out of Iowa with 37 endorsements from prominent local and state Iowa politicians, including state Senate Speaker Amy Sinclair and States House Majority Leader Matt Windschitl. He made his case as a Republican with the best chance of knocking out President Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential race at two events at Sioux Center and Cedar Rapids, one being an appearance at the family picnic Feenstra hosted by Rep. Randy Feenstra (R-IA).

However, Trump’s constant barrage of attacks on the Florida governor has dragged down DeSantis’ poll numbers, especially in a state like Iowa, which the former president won in 2020. Still, DeSantis is considered as Trump’s most formidable opponent, and early polls show it. will likely come down to the two men from Florida in the Republican presidential primary.

Now that DeSantis has launched his bid for the White House, he will return to Hawkeye State to “launch” his campaign in Des Moines on May 30, followed by a four-day “Our Great American Comeback” tour throughout the country. ‘Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina.

Other GOP candidates have made visiting Iowa a priority because it is a key GOP battleground state heading into 2024. Former Vice President Mike Pence s visited the state in March and former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley spent her first week as a presidential candidate in February making trips to Iowa and New Hampshire. Pence and Haley were tied with 5% of the vote in the Emerson College poll.

In February, Scott made Iowa the first leg of his “Faith in America” ​​tour which he launched in South Carolina. Entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy also visited Iowa in May, just as Trump and DeSantis were also collapsing. Former Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson visited Iowa in April in the days before his campaign launch.


Scott got 3% of the vote, Ramaswamy 2% and former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson 1% in the Emerson College poll.

The poll sample was made up of 1,064 registered voters, with a margin of error of plus or minus 2.9 percentage points.




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