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Pakistani army sacks 3 officers, including lieutenant general, for failing to protect military installations during May 9 violence

Pakistani army sacks 3 officers, including lieutenant general, for failing to protect military installations during May 9 violence


Islamabad, Jun 26 (PTI) The Pakistani army announced on Monday that three officers, including a lieutenant general, had been dismissed and action had been taken against three major generals and seven brigadiers for failing to protect military installations during unprecedented anti-government violence on May 9 following the arrest of former Prime Minister Imran Khan. Supporters of Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party attacked and vandalized more than 20 facilities military and government buildings, including the Corps Commander’s House in Lahore, Mianwali Air Base and the ISI building in Faisalabad. The Army Headquarters (GHQ) in Rawalpindi was also attacked by mobs for the first time. Addressing a press conference, military spokesman Major General Arshad Sharif said the military had carried out two investigations into protests by PTI supporters and had taken action. Pakistan’s mighty military has ruled the coup-prone country for more than half of its more than 75 years of existence and wielded considerable power in security and foreign policy. disciplinary proceedings were initiated against those who failed to keep the security and honor of garrisons, military installations, Jinnah House and headquarters intact. three major generals and seven brigadiers, were completed, he said. He said investigations were carried out by officers at the major general level. Without giving details, including the identities of the officers, Major General Sharif said that the measures taken by the army show that there is a system of strict self-responsibility within the army and that measures are taken regardless of position or position. He said that responsibility in the Pakistani military was exercised without discrimination, regardless of rank or social status. the granddaughter of a retired four-star general, the son-in-law of a retired four-star general, the wife of a retired three-star general, and the wife and son-in-law of a two-star general Retired stars are facing this accountability process because of compelling evidence, he said. “All those involved (in the May 9 violence) will be punished under the Constitution and the law,” Sharif said. He said the incident was undoubtedly a plot against Pakistan. “The events of May 9 will not be forgotten or forgiven those who planned and facilitated them.” “The investigation conducted so far proved that May 9 had been planned for several months,” he said, adding that this planning, an enabling environment was first created and people were incited and provoked against the army”. Even women were used as a shield to carry out these nefarious political designs, he said. Widespread violence erupted in Pakistan after Khan was arrested by paramilitary personnel inside Islamabad High Court on May 9 in a corruption case.He was later released on bail.Khan, the cricketer-turned-politician, was ousted from power after losing a vote of no confidence in the regard to his leadership in April last year. Media inside and outside the country and authorities obtained evidence of the same. of May 9 as “extremely disappointing, reprehensible and a chapter dark in the history of our country”, as he described the incident as “a plot against Pakistan. He also said that already 17 permanent military courts were functioning even before May 9,” where 102 disbelievers involved in May 9 are on trial. He said their cases were referred to civilian courts after seeing the evidence. Sharif said said that those who were tired had lawyers to defend them and they could also appeal the verdicts to the high courts and supreme courts, he said that these courts were part of the existing laws and that several cases had already been decided by these courts. He dismissed the impression that May 9 was staged to target a political party and said television footage and other evidence showed it was premeditated. He said dozens of “Military installations had been targeted within two hours of Khan’s arrest. “I ask whether the army burned the monuments of the martyrs with their own hands,” he said. over the past few months. Sharif dismissed the impression of human rights abuses after the May 9 arrests and crackdown on disbelievers and said action was being taken within the laws of the land. He also said the war on terror would continue. The war on terror will continue until the last terrorist is killed, he said. The gap with India is not new as it has been going on for decades, he said. He said the defense budget had fallen from 16% last year to 12.4% this year.




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