Imran Khan’s bail extended in three cases

NNA | Updated: Jul 10, 2023 3:22 PM IST
Islamabad [Pakistan]July 10 (ANI): An Anti-Terrorism Tribunal (ATC) on Monday extended the provisional release of former Prime Minister and Pakistani leader Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Imran Khan in three cases, ARY News reported. to Khan in three cases registered against him in Kahna and Bhara Kahu police stations. The court, while extending the former prime minister’s bail, ordered the police to open a transparent investigation and ordered that any delays will not be tolerated at any cost. do not support the defendant or the prosecution, but the investigation must be conducted in a transparent manner,” the judge told ARY News. Abher Gul Khan, issued non-releasable arrest warrants for the PTI leader and other party leaders including Mian Aslam Iqbal, Hammad Azhar, Jamshed Iqbal Cheema, Musarrat Jamshed Cheema and Hassan Ullah Niazi.
The arrest warrants were issued for their continued absence from the hearings of the two arson cases – 23/366 (Model Town Police Station) and 23/1078 (Naseerabad Police Station), ARY news reported. It is pertinent to mention here that the PTI Chief had faced more than 100 cases under different charges in the country. Earlier on July 6, Khan had accused his political opponents of being “eager to kill him”, and added that he would stay in Pakistan and contest all court cases despite his good health. – sympathizers abroad urging him to leave the countryOn July 3, Imran Khan attacked the government of Shehbaz Sharif and alleged that the administration had “made a plan” to put him in prison and that everything the episode that took place during his arrest was “pre-planned”. Addressing the nation, former Prime Minister Imran Khan said: “I want the nation to know how a plan has been hatched to arrest me based on false and baseless cases. A lawyer is killed in Quetta and without any investigation and evidence, Shahbaz Sharif’s adviser goes on TV the same day and says that the murder was committed by Imran Khan and later the video of the widow of the same lawyer shows who did it”. On May 9, former Prime Minister and Chairman of PTI Imran Khan was arrested from within the High Court of Islamabad by the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) on charges of corruption in relation to the Al-Qadir Trust , which he owns alongside his wife, Bushra Bibi. After Khan’s arrest, his party called for protests, which turned violent in many places. The administration resorted to repression and numerous arrests were made across the country. Those accused of the May 9 violence are tried by military courts. (ANI)
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