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Erdogan confident in extending Ukrainian grain deal

Erdogan confident in extending Ukrainian grain deal
Erdogan confident in extending Ukrainian grain deal


Istanbul, Türkiye: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday expressed confidence in the prospects of an extension of the deal that allows Ukraine to export its grain and ease a global food crisis.

“We are preparing to welcome Putin in August and we agree on the extension of the Black Sea grain corridor,” Erdogan told reporters.

HIGH HOPES Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan gestures during a press conference during the North Atlantic Treaty Organization summit in Vilnius, the Lithuanian capital, Wednesday, July 12, 2023. AFP PHOTO

HIGH HOPES Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan gestures during a press conference during the North Atlantic Treaty Organization summit in Vilnius, the Lithuanian capital, Wednesday, July 12, 2023. AFP PHOTO

The Turkish leader said he spoke with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin about the crucial deal, which was due to expire on Monday, although he did not say when the conversation took place.

Asked by Russian news agencies, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov neither confirmed nor denied Erdogan’s statement. “There is no statement about this from Russia,” he said.

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The Black Sea Grains Agreement was first signed in July 2022, five months after the Russian invasion of Ukraine began, and has already been renewed twice. But this time, Putin has repeatedly threatened not to renew it due to obstacles to Russian exports.

Earlier on Friday, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, speaking in Jakarta, called on Russia to extend the deal, warning that the most vulnerable countries would suffer without it.

“Developing countries, including [this] region, will pay the price, including literally higher food prices, as well as greater food shortages,” Blinken told reporters after a summit of Southeast Asian foreign ministers was held. Is in the Indonesian capital this week.

This week, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres sent Putin a letter regarding the extension of the deal. He supports the removal of obstacles to Russia’s export of its fertilizers, another element that Moscow has complained about is not being respected.

Erdogan said he hoped “that with this letter we will ensure the extension of the grain corridor with our joint efforts and those of Russia.”

“Discussions are ongoing,” Guterres spokesman Stephane Dujarric said. “WhatsApp messages are sent; signal messages are sent and exchanged.”

They were still awaiting a response to Guterres’ letter, he added.

On Thursday, Putin had argued that none of Moscow’s conditions for the deal to work had been met.

“I want to emphasize that nothing has been done, nothing at all. Everything is one-sided,” Putin said in a TV interview. “We will think about what to do, we still have a few days.”

The deal, which Erdogan helped broker, saw Ukraine ship more than 32 million tonnes of grain ahead of Russian warships in the Black Sea.

Much of the grain has gone to feed people in developing countries in Africa, the Middle East and elsewhere. If exports were blocked again, food prices could climb even higher than they are now.




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