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Prime Minister Narendra Modi and UAE President to discuss comprehensive strategic partnership today

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and UAE President to discuss comprehensive strategic partnership today
Prime Minister Narendra Modi and UAE President to discuss comprehensive strategic partnership today


Prime Minister Narendra Modi is on an official visit to the UAE today and tomorrow.

New Delhi:

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is on an official visit to the UAE today and tomorrow, where he will hold talks with UAE President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan on promoting our comprehensive strategic partnership.

According to a statement from the Prime Minister's Office, he will visit Qatar from February 14 to 15, after his visit to the United Arab Emirates.

“I am traveling to the UAE for an official visit on February 13-14 and to Qatar on February 14-15. This will be my seventh visit to the UAE and my second visit to Qatar since 2014,” the statement said.

“I look forward to meeting His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE, in Abu Dhabi and having in-depth discussions on the continuation of our comprehensive strategic partnership,” the statement added.

Notably, over the last nine years, India's cooperation with the UAE in various sectors such as trade and investment, defense and security, food and energy security, and education has grown. multiplied.

“Our cultural and interpersonal ties are stronger than ever,” the statement added.

Before his departure, Prime Minister Modi also shared a post on social media 'X', highlighting that this would be his seventh visit since assuming office, indicating the priority we attach to strong friendship between India and the United Arab Emirates.

He further referred to the UAE President as “his brother”, while expressing his excitement and saying, “I am looking forward to meeting my brother, the UAE President.”

“Over the next two days, I will visit the UAE and Qatar to participate in various programs that will deepen India's bilateral relations with these countries. My visit to the UAE will be the seventh since I assumed office , indicating the priority we attach to a strong India. Friendship UAE. Looking forward to meeting my brother, HH @MohamedBinZayed. I will have the honor of inaugurating the first Hindu Mandir in the UAE. I will also address the Indian community at a community program in Abu Dhabi. I will also speak at the @WorldGovSummit and meet @HHShkMohd in Dubai. Looking forward to meeting HH Sheikh @TamimBinHamad, under whose leadership Qatar is experiencing immense growth.

Prime Minister Modi further recalled the privilege of hosting the UAE President in Gujarat, where he was the chief guest at the Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit 2024.

He further highlighted that at the invitation of the UAE Vice President, he would address world leaders at the World Government Summit in Dubai on February 14.

“At the invitation of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Minister of Defense of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Dubai, I will address the gathering of world leaders at the World Summit of governments in Dubai on February 14, 2024,” the statement added.

Additionally, his discussions with the Ruler of Dubai on the sidelines of the summit will focus on strengthening our multifaceted ties with Dubai.

Furthermore, in the statement, he noted that during his visit, he would also inaugurate the first Hindu mandir in Abu Dhabi.

“The BAPS Temple will be a lasting tribute to the values ​​of harmony, peace and tolerance shared by India and the United Arab Emirates,” the statement said.

Later, Prime Minister Modi will address members of the Indian community across the UAE at a special event in Abu Dhabi, 'Ahlan Modi'.

Later, after completing his visit to the UAE, Prime Minister Modi will leave for Qatar, where he will meet the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, under whose leadership Qatar continues to experience growth and a considerable transformation.

“I also look forward to meeting other senior dignitaries in Qatar,” the prime minister’s office said.

India and Qatar enjoy historically close and friendly relations.

In recent years, the multifaceted ties between the two countries have continued to strengthen in all fields, including high-level political exchanges, increasing trade and investment between the two countries, strengthening energy partnerships and cooperation in the fields of culture and education.

Additionally, “the presence of more than 800,000 strong Indian communities in Doha is a testament to our close people-to-people ties,” the statement added.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)




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