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Xi welcomes new chapter in China-Nauru relations

Xi welcomes new chapter in China-Nauru relations


President Xi Jinping is hosting a grand welcome ceremony for Nauruan President David Adeang at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Monday.  (FENG YONGBIN/CHINA DAILY)

President Xi Jinping is hosting a grand welcome ceremony for Nauruan President David Adeang at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Monday. (FENG YONGBIN/CHINA DAILY)

Relations between China and Nauru are based on mutual respect, equality, mutual benefits and mutual support, President Xi Jinping said during talks with Nauruan President David Adeang in Beijing on Monday.

Adeang is on a six-day state visit to China that began Sunday, the first since the South Pacific country severed ties with Taiwanese authorities in January and resumed diplomatic relations with China soon after.

Xi held a grand welcome ceremony for Adeang at the Great Hall of the People on Monday. The two presidents witnessed the signing of a series of cooperation documents in the fields of joint construction of the Belt and Road, implementation of the Global Development Initiative, economic development and 'agriculture.

During the talks, Xi said Nauru's political decision to adhere to the one-China principle and restore diplomatic relations with China is in line with the trend of history and the times.

“Friendship has no order of priority. As long as it starts, it will have a bright future. Cooperation has no size. As long as it is sincere, it will yield fruitful results. Relationships China-Nauru have opened a new chapter in history,” Xi said.

China is willing to work with Nauru to create a bright future for bilateral relations and better benefit the two peoples, he added.

Xi stressed that treating others as equals is a distinctive feature of Chinese diplomacy.

China has always advocated that countries, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, are all equal members of the international community, he said, and it has always been a member of the developing world and its vote in the United Nations Security Council will be an asset. still belong to developing countries.

He assured Adeang that China firmly supports Nauru in safeguarding its national sovereignty, security and development interests and independently choosing a development path suited to its national conditions.

China is willing to strengthen exchanges and dialogue at all levels and in all fields with Nauru, continuously enhance mutual understanding and trust, and consolidate the political foundation of bilateral relations, he added.

Xi stressed the need for the two countries to expand practical cooperation in trade, investment and infrastructure construction.

China is ready to provide assistance to Nauru for its independent and sustainable development “without attaching any political conditions”, he said.

Xi called on the two sides to strengthen exchanges in education, culture, health, youth and other areas.

China welcomes more young people from Nauru to study in the country and is willing to provide assistance to Nauru in combating climate change within the framework of South-South cooperation, he said.

Xi also expressed China's willingness to strengthen communication and coordination with Nauru in multilateral frameworks, such as the United Nations and the Pacific Islands Forum, jointly support a multipolar world and inclusive and beneficial economic globalization for all, and to safeguard the common interests of developing countries. countries.

Adeang said Nauru's decision to place itself on the right side of history, recognize and adhere to the one-China principle and, on this basis, resume diplomatic relations with China, was a step important in relations between Nauru and China and opened a new path. chapter of national development and bilateral relations of Nauru.

He said Nauru highly appreciates China's consistent adherence to the principle of equality among all countries and is willing to uphold the one-China principle and deepen cooperation with China.

Nauru is willing to uphold mutual respect, strengthen mutual understanding and develop a fruitful, mutually beneficial and win-win cooperative partnership with China, he added.

Noting that the global initiatives proposed by President Xi are of great importance, the President of Nauru said his country is ready to actively participate in the joint construction of the Belt and Road, implement the Development Initiative Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative. and strengthen cooperation with China in the fight against climate change.




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