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Donald Trump's mental acuity test questioned on Fox News

Donald Trump's mental acuity test questioned on Fox News


Former President Donald Trump's performance on a mental acuity test was called into question Wednesday on Fox News by Democratic strategist Jessica Tarlov.

Tarlov, co-host of Fox News' The Five, appeared to question the importance of the cognitive test that the former president often mentions and which he says is given to people who have suffered “traumatic accidents.” .

Trump has often cited the test, which he took while president, and previously told Fox News host Sean Hannity in 2020 that he “passed” the cognitive exam, while the test appears to have been administered in 2018.

Former President Donald Trump speaks to the media during a pretrial hearing in criminal court March 25, 2024 in New York. Trump previously cited a cognitive test he “passed” while he… Former President Donald Trump speaks to the media during a pretrial hearing in criminal court on March 25, 2024 in New York . Trump once cited a cognitive test he “passed” while in the White House. More from Brendan McDermid-Pool/Getty Images

Tarlov was responding to a comment from Jeanine Pirro, another co-host and former judge, who also mentioned President Joe Biden, whose own mental acuity has been the subject of speculation in recent months.

“Trump took a mental acuity test and passed it. Why not Biden?” » asked Pirro.

“Well, this mental acuity test, which involves identifying animals and counting down by a factor of seven, is something to offer to people who have been victims of traumatic accidents,” Tarlov said.

Video of Tarlov's remarks was shared on X, formerly Twitter, by user Acyn, senior digital editor of MeidasTouch, which describes itself as “a pro-democracy news network.” It was founded by the same leaders of the MeidasTouch political action committee (PAC) opposed to Trump's 2020 re-election.

Newsweek contacted the Trump campaign via email outside of office hours for comment.

Tarlov also cited Trump's comments in 2020 in which he described part of the test he took.

“It was 30 or 35 questions. The first few questions are very easy. The last few questions are a lot harder. Like a memory thing,” Trump told Fox News medical contributor Marc Siegel in 2020.

“It's like you would say: 'No one, woman, man, camera, TV.' So they say, “Could you repeat that? So I said, “Yeah.” So it's “Person, woman, man, camera, television.” OK, that's fine. If you put it in order, you get extra points,” the former president said.

“I proved that I was there because I passed. I passed the test,” Trump told Hannity on July 9, 2020, adding that he took the cognitive test at Walter Reed National Medical Center “very recently”.

Trump told Hannity that the doctors “were very surprised.”

“They said it was an incredible thing. It's rare that someone does what you just did,” he said.

Trump's description of the test was very similar to questions on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), designed to assess whether a person has cognitive impairments. The questions seem simple, like asking the person to draw a clock reading 11:10, but they test for problems that might arise in the early stages of dementia.

In June 2021, 14 Republican members of the House of Representatives, including former White House physician Ronny Jackson, signed a letter calling on Biden to take a MoCA test and claimed the president was suffering from “mental decline.”

As White House physician in 2018, Jackson told reporters that Trump got a perfect score on a cognitive test and said there was “no reason to think the president had any problems with his thought process.

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Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.




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