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Liz Truss, Lettuce and the Deep State: Seven Car Crash Moments on Former Prime Ministers' Book Tour

Liz Truss, Lettuce and the Deep State: Seven Car Crash Moments on Former Prime Ministers' Book Tour


Before her memoir was published, Liz Truss may have spent more days promoting the book than she did as Prime Minister.

The Conservative MP, who took over from Boris Johnson in the summer of 2022, offered a behind-the-scenes look at Ten years to save the West in a series of television and radio interviews.

Despite some very negative reviews, it seems that the promotion worked as the book rose to fourth place among the best-selling books on Amazon as of Wednesday morning.

Liz Truss' memoir hit book shelves this week (EPA)

Much like his short-lived tenure, the round of interviews did not go smoothly.

Here are some of the most memorable moments.

Failing to master your own book

Ms Truss didn't seem to know where the situation was when she promoted the memoir on American television.

Talk to Fox News Regarding her decision to support Donald Trump, she did not miss the opportunity to make a brief statement.

“Here’s my new book,” she said, beaming as she held the back cover up to the camera. I'll just hold it up – sorry, I'll take it straight away, here we are, she said as she struggled to hold it. correctly.

She then realized her mistake, turning it over and revealing the front, but upside down.

Squirming when asked about the famous lettuce

Liz Truss squirms as she's asked about lettuce lasting longer than she does

The Daily Star infamously famously described Ms Truss' brief tenure in Downing Street by comparing her longevity to that of a lettuce.

Although this stunt garnered widespread praise at the time, it seems that two years later Ms. Truss still doesn't see the funny side.

She claimed it was simply pathetic when questioned by BBC News political editor Chris Mason on Monday.

Mr Mason said: Your tenure as Prime Minister has left the UK an international laughingstock.

Ms Truss replied: I don't think that's true.

But this whole thing about having a shorter lifespan than lettuce? » asked Mr. Mason.

It's just pathetic pointing, it's the sort of thing that London's elite are obsessed with, Ms Truss replied.

Buy my book if you want the free world to win

If You Want the Free World to Win Again, Buy My Book, Says Liz Truss in New Video Message

In recent months, Ms Truss has presented herself as fighting a shadowy global elite, fighting the establishment, despite a Conservative government leading the country for 14 years.

In a bizarre video posted to her social media, she claimed that buying a copy would help the free world win again.

If you want to take on the left-wing establishment, if you want conservatives and the free world to win again, buy my book, she said.

Blaming the left for its economic failures

Liz Truss says she was 'blamed' for lack of economic growth

Ms Truss – who was once a Liberal Democrat – claimed those with left-wing political beliefs were “smearing” her by blaming her for economic problems for which she “clearly was not responsible”.

In an interview on LBC, Iain Dale asked her about the unrest sparked by her then chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng's mini-budget, which pushed sterling to its lowest level in 37 years against the dollar.

Ms Truss told the LBC presenter: I think a lot of the public understand what I was trying to do.

But the left… [are] I'm trying to smear myself with economic results for which… I'm clearly not responsible.

The Deep State attacks Donald Trump

Liz Truss supports Donald Trump for President of the United States

In an opinion article for the The Wall Street Journal, Ms Truss said the US economic establishment is arming itself against Mr Trump and his economic agenda.

The administrative state undermined Mr. Trump's first term and undermined my tenure as British prime minister, forcing me from office after 49 days, she wrote.

I assumed I would be able to enforce the agenda I was elected on. How wrong I was. Britain's opaque bureaucratic state has undermined my reform proposals, and their American counterparts will have Mr. Trump in their crosshairs if he wins in November.

The deep state will try to undermine him even more than it did during his first term.

Ms Truss speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in the United States (P.A.)

Too busy to support Brexit

During the Brexit referendum in 2016, Ms Truss supported Remain, arguing it was in the UK's best economic interests. In the years since, she has done an about-face and become an ardent supporter of Brexit.

Speaking again on LBC, Ms Truss said she might have supported Vote Leave if she had had time to think more existentially.

Wanting to leave the EU was considered a fairly remote and marginal position, she added.

If I had spent more time thinking about it over the years I might have shared this view, but I had been busy as a minister, immersed in floods and other distractions.

Refusing to rule out a new candidacy for leadership of the Conservative Party

Ms Truss became Prime Minister on September 6, 2022 and resigned 45 days later, becoming the shortest serving Prime Minister in British political history.

Despite this and widespread criticism of her economic policies, Ms Truss has not ruled out a new bid to lead the Conservative Party.

It's never wise to exclude anything in politics, is it? she told LBC, saying she had unfinished business.

Asked if she would like to return to frontline politics in the event the Conservatives lose the next general election, Ms Truss said: I definitely have unfinished business. Certainly. And I think the Conservative Party still has work to do.

I think, if we were honest with ourselves, we have not done enough to reverse the Blair legacy.




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