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Boris Johnson asked to disavow ally's comments that police must be 'very certain' before punishing him for partying

Boris Johnson asked to disavow ally's comments that police must be 'very certain' before punishing him for partying


  • An anonymous Johnson ally told The Times that police need to be “very certain” before sanctioning the prime minister for partying.

  • Some conservatives, including Johnson supporters, said it amounted to political pressure.

  • They called on Johnson to disavow the comments.

Boris Johnson has been asked to disavow comments from an unnamed senior ally who suggested police should give the Prime Minister special treatment over possible sanctions against the party.

The Metropolitan Police are investigating several events which may have breached COVID-19 regulations in force in England at the time. Johnson attended six of the rallies surveyed.

The Met Police are expected to submit letters to 50 people in Westminster on Friday calling on them to account for possible breaches of the rules.

The Prime Minister is expected to be among them, as is Dame Cressida Dick, the Met Police Commissioner who resigned on Thursday after losing the confidence of London Mayor Sadiq Khansaid “some, but probably not all” of the 50 people contacted would receive a fixed fine.

But the ally told the Times of London that Scotland Yard should be “very certain” he broke lockdown rules before issuing him a fixed penalty notice.

“There is inevitably a degree of discretion here,” they said. “Do you want the Metropolitan Police to decide who the Prime Minister is? They must be very sure [before issuing a fine].

The remarks sparked outrage among some conservative figures, including those who until recently supported Johnson.

Sir Bob Neill, chairman of the justice select committee, said: “It is completely inappropriate to suggest that there should be special treatment for anyone involved in these investigations and any suggestion of political pressure on the police is completely reprehensible . we would do well to deny him. »

And Nick Timothy, a former adviser to Theresa May, said: “This is a completely unacceptable attempt to put pressure on the police and influence the outcome of their investigation.”

Will Tanner, another former Number 10 aide, said: “We need to be clear about this. The police do not decide who is prime minister. Officers are investigating possible violations of the law. Any attempt to question the operational independence of the Met on this issue would be an extraordinary departure from conservative principles and history. »

David Gauke, a former MP and minister, added: “There is a clear rule of law problem here. Presumably the Lord Chancellor & AG [attorney general] Would you like to condemn these senseless comments?

A source told The Times that Johnson plans to argue that he is in a “unique legal situation because Downing Street is both his workplace and his home”.

“He’s not going to fly away,” the source said.

Read the original article on Business Insider




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