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Chinese spy agency: under Xi Jinping, the powerful Chinese spy agency significantly improves its visibility with the public

Chinese spy agency: under Xi Jinping, the powerful Chinese spy agency significantly improves its visibility with the public
Chinese spy agency: under Xi Jinping, the powerful Chinese spy agency significantly improves its visibility with the public


China's “notoriously secretive” spy agency, the Ministry of State Security (MSS), has taken center stage, raising its public profile and expanding its remit under Xi Jinping, according to CNN.
Having never been in the public spotlight, China's intelligence agency has now turned the tables and become highly visible.
In Chinese cities, posters and slogans promoting national security are now commonplace on sidewalks, subway trains, campuses and billboards. In addition, on social networks, the ministry benefits from a large audience with almost daily comments, short videos or even comics sounding the alarm on the alleged threats weighing on the country, according to CNN.
China's top spy agency recently sent a harsh message to the Chinese people in the form of a short video commemorating National Security Education Day: “foreign spies are everywhere.”

In the three-minute video, a man with sharp eyes and a broad face poses as a food delivery driver, a businessman, a lab technician or even a street fashion photographer while music plays. threateningly plays. He even sets up an online honey trap to obtain critical state secrets from various locations and industries.

The Ministry of State Security (MSS), China's powerful civilian spy agency, released this short propaganda video in an effort to mentally prepare the Chinese people for what they see as the growing threat of foreign espionage. The MSS says foreign spies are omnipresent. and have infiltrated every aspect of the country's life, including the country's weather stations and mapping apps. The ministry also disclosed information about what it described as espionage efforts by U.S. and British spy agencies, as well as the CIA's alleged recruitment of Chinese who study or work abroad, the ministry reported. CNN.

In a documentary dedicated to National Security Education Day last week, the MSS revealed that a Chinese scientist convicted of selling state secrets to a foreign intelligence organization was executed in 2016. The documentary did not explicitly mention which country it was, but its footage shows an American flag and the US Capitol building.

The MSS change is part of Xi's broader shift to strengthen national security, CNN said.

China's spy agency, MSS, has always had a shroud of secrecy. In the early 1980s, as China emerged from decades of political turmoil and self-imposed isolation under Chairman Mao Zedong to adopt market reforms and open up to the outside world, the government reassessed its security needs. national, giving birth to the MSS. .

It was founded in 1983 by the merger of an intelligence department of the ruling Chinese Communist Party and a counterintelligence unit within the police force. It oversees intelligence and counterintelligence at home and abroad, with provincial and municipal branches stretching across the country.

With provincial and municipal units spread across the country, it is responsible for overseeing intelligence and counterintelligence both at home and abroad.




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